Chapter 13 A Normal Day

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Gissel's P.O.V

I was back home. I was in the airport waiting for my mom and dad. I was sitting on a bench and I see me dad. DADDY I Yell running to him. I jump on him and I was hugging him really Tight he was doing the same. I missed you so much daddy I saying crying 😭. I missed you to my little Baby girl he said. We pull apart and he puts me down and I hug my mom. Mommy I missed you I said crying 😭. I missed you to sweetie she said.

We pull apart and i stopped crying and then my dad grab my bag and he took them to the car. We drove back home. The whole car drive we talk about Magcon and what i missed while i was gone. And then We pull up into the drive way and I instantly get happy. I get out and grab my bag pack and I run In side the house god I missed this place. I run up the stairs to my room and i open my door and i see my pretty blue room i jump on my bed. YAS YAS THIS IS HEAVEN I Yell.

I hear my dad laughing putting my bag down. Thank you daddy I say getting up and hugged him. Your welcome sweetie well you should really get some sleep he said. Okay daddy good night I say. Good night he says kissing my forehead and walking out closing my door. I check the time 12AM.

I go to my restroom and I brush my teeth and I washed my face and I change and I go to my bed and I close my eyes and fall asleep.

*Next morning*

I wake up to the sunlight in my eyes. I open my eyes and I look around. I'm home I say to my self. I get up and brush my teeth and. I go and I look thru my many clothes choices. I chose an Maroon color obey fitted T-Shirt and some Hollister Skinny Jeans and a Obey Zipper Jacket.

And then i go and shower and i walk out my restroom. I let my hair air dry today. I go and throw my dirty clothes in the hamper. I walk back Into my restroom and I put lotion on my face. And then I walk out. I grab my phone and look at the time 12PM I also texted Shawn "Good Afternoon Baby 🙈💕 I miss you already I love you 😘". He didn't answer so I guess he was still sleeping.

I put some socks on and I go down stairs. My parents were in the kitchen cooking. Good Afternoon my lovely parents I say to them. Good Afternoon my lovely daughter my parents say. I laugh. Okay It's better if I tell you now I say. Tell us what honey she said. Okay one I know this will be bad news for daddy but it's good news for me I say. Keep going my dad says. Okay at Magcon I meet this Boy Shawn and me and him are dating I said.

My dad looked shocked and mad at the same time. Daddy he is really nice and sweet you will like him I promise he treats me like a princess daddy please don't be mad I said going up to him. Okay I'll give him a chance but if he hurts you its over he said. He would never do that but okay I said hugging him. Okay when will we meet Shawn my mom said. I don't know I said shrugging my shoulders. Okay but there is another serious topic that I need to make sure that daddy is far away is from knifes I said going into the living room they followed me.

I sit down on one of the couches and they sit on another. Okay so this also happened at Magcon okay so Ryder called me telling me that he was going to hurt me and Shawn and that he found me and he knows where I am. And one of his friends texted me too and they sent me a picture of Bella hanging her self I said crying now. I look up to see my dad really angry. And my mom looked up set. She came by my side and hugged me and I cried into her shoulder. It's okay we will handle it I will make sure he doesn't get near you okay my baby my dad said coming over to me and hugging me.

We sit there and hug each other. My mom and dad soon get up and go back to the kitchen because they left stuff on the stove. I go upstairs and Put my maroon vans and I grab my penny board. And I go back downstairs. Mom dad I'm going to ride my penny board up to uncle joes I said. Okay be back before 4PM. Okay bye I said walking out the door and getting on my board and riding. I get to uncle joes. Witch is a a little carnival thing but my uncle Joe owns it.

I walk into my uncles office. Tio Joe I missed you I say. I missed you too gissel he says and hugs me. So what can I do for you he says. I just wanna come say hi and I was wondering if I could leave my board here while I go riding the rides I say. Of course my beautiful niece he says. Okay thank you Tio i say putting my board In a corner. Bye I'll be back around 3:30 to come get it I said. Okay that's fine he said. And with that I left and went to the rides. I went to the fling me up ride. I get to cut lines and go on them free because my uncle owns the carnival and the workers known me since I was 10. What's up old Jess I say. Gissel long time no see he says hugging me. I know i say hugging him back . Do you wanna get on he says. Yes please i say.

I get on and ride it then I get off. I go on other rides and then I check my phone nothing no messages. It was 3:25 I start to head for my uncles office when I see the brats from school. They look straight at me and walk towards me. What do you want I asked because I have no time for your bullshit I said in a harsh voice. They looked at me shocked I just laughed and pushed them and left. I went to my uncles office and grabbed my board. Bye Tio I said And hugged him. Bye gissel tell Matt to come soon he said. Okay i will I said. And with that I left back home.

I get home and I walk thru the door and my mom and dad were watching tv. Hey lunch is on the counter my mom said. Okay I said going up stairs and putting my board down and putting my phone to charge. And grabbed my lap top And went down stairs. I had some pre recorded videos and I was going to edit them while I was eating. I see my food on the counter and I see it was grilled chicken and rice and some veggies. Yum I think I grab some coke and I sit down and eat and edit. I finished eating and and then i checked the time. 5:30.

Matt is going to be here at 9PM. I went back up stairs and I keep on editing for hours. I finished and I uploaded the video we made back in Dallas. It was really freakin funny. I wanted to film a cover so I stetted up my Camera. I was going to cover Demi Lavato Warrior. I pull out my guitar and I I hit record and I start to strum my guitar and I sing. And then I finished. I put my stuff away and I lay down on my bed. I checked my Phone. I saw a message from Shawn

Shawn-S Gissel-G

S- Good Afternoon baby. Sorry it took so long I was with the guys and we are now packing up 😊

G- It's okay Baby. I've been busy too. But yeah I should leave you to pack😊

S-okay baby ill text you when I arrive to Canada in a couple of hours bye Love you 😘😘

G- Okay bye baby love you Too 😘😘

I looked at the time 9PM. Matt should be here soon. I unpack my bags and then I go down stairs and no one was at the house they left to go pick up Matt. I go to the Kitchen and get a snack. And then go to the living room to turn off the TV because it was still on. I go back up to my room.

And lay down and watch tv. Time goes by and hear the door open and I go down stairs I see Matt. MATT I yelled. Hey Baby Sis he says and hugs me . I hug him back and we all talk for a little and then me Matt go upstairs and I help him unpack And we sit in his room chatting all night.

Shawn called and said he was in Canada and he was so happy to see his family and he told me that he loved and missed me and i told him i loved and missed him and the we hung.

Matt was telling me what they did today. And how everyone was missing me. And that Shawn was really quite. And that Taylor was acting not that crazy. And how Savanna Came over and was talking about me and Taylor And Shawn were Defending. So was everyone else. But Taylor And Shawn were being really mean to her and made her leave. I just laugh at the whole situation. OMG no they didn't tell her that I said. Yes yes Taylor Said she was the biggest bitch he has ever met in his life Matt Said I just laughed. We just kept on talking the whole night. I eventually left his room and did my night routine and then I feel asleep.

There's Chapter 13


I hope you enjoy this chapter I know it was kinda boring but I liked the chapter. I love you guys.

Stay Gucci 👌😜😝

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