Chapter 61 That's him

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Gissel's P.O.V
I walked out of the car my parents and Matt doing the same. I looked at my mom and she gave me a small smile and grabbed my hand and I walked hand and hand with her to the front of the jail. An Officer that had talked to me at the hospital came and opened the door and took us to a confrence room. We were in there for a while until another police officer came with an investigator and they asked questions.

Okay Gissel do you know who kidnapped you he asked. Yes sir I do I said looking at Matt he gave me a small smile and came and sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. And the guy wrote something. Okay do you know the names of who kidnapped you He asked. I nodded Ryder Ansley Sophia Carter and Luis Ramarize I said taking a breath. He asked more questions about what happened and stuff like that.

Okay are you ready to look at the people we found he said. I nodded Okay first I will show you Ryder then Sophia and lastly Luis he said. Okay sir I said. And we walked out the room and went out to the jail cells. I walked down these dark gray creepy lonley hallways. We turned a corner and came into a room where there was a window. And I saw Ryder. He looked like shit his face was all bloody and bruised and he hasn't shaved and his hair was like a birds nest. I started to panic Matt he can see me I said hiding behind him. Its okay Gissel you can see him but he can't see you so don't worry the investegator said. I nodded but I didn't Move I stayed behind Matt. Okay Gissel is this Ryder Ansley the one who Kidnapped you and beated you He asked. I nodded Yes sir That's him I said still behind Matt but grabbed his hand. Okay Gissel are telling the truth and nothing but the truth he said and brought out a bible. I put my hand on the bilble. Everything I'm saying is the truth and nothing but the truth I said. He nodded and they escorted us out the room.

We were out in the hall and we heard Cussing coming from the room. I know for a fact that was Ryder I sighed and hugged my dad. He rubbed my back and I calmed down a little bit. Okay now let's go see Sophia and see if you Identify her He said. We a nodded and they took us to another room. And I saw Sophia.

The girl that looks like my bestfriend but then I then I saw a monster someone who tried to kill me and some one who had so much hatred twoards life the world and me was standing there. She looked fine but she looked so angry at life. They asked me the same questions they asked me before and I comfirmed everything. And I did the same thing with Luis. He looked scared and frighten over everything. A little part of me wanted to feel bad for him but it wasn't enough I hated him I hated all three of them so that took over that little part.

We were now back at the conference room again. Okay so what's going to happen now is that this case will go to trial and your going to have to testify for it He said. I nodded Okay is Ryder going to be in Jail my dad asked. Well yes he has been chargered for shoplifting and kidnapping and raping other women He said. What about Luis and Sophia I asked.

They will to they both admited to murdering the women Ryder raped and now that you testified they will have more years he said. We all nodded Okay so we will call you when the trial will be and we will pull up the evident files from the pictures that the officer took at the hospital he said. We nodded Okay so just sign this and then you will be free he said. I signed the paper and we left finally after being there for an entire 3 hours.

The car stopped but it wasn't home it was the grocery store. I sighed and got out of the car. And went inside the store. Instantly Matt got a cart and brought it to me I gave him a confused face. Get in he said laughing. I just giggled and jumped in. And he started to push it. We went to the chip isal. Okay which ones I asked. Umm the hot fries for you right he asked. I nodded and he grabbed two bags and then grabbed two bags of the classic lays and put them in the cart. We walked away and then Matt started to drive really fast and I decided to make post and vine.

Okay sir you can't do this in the store one of the security guys said to Matt I couldn't help but laugh. And you mam if that cart would of been tipped over you could of been hurt he said. I don't think so but thank you for the advice I said and grabbed Matt's wrist and walked him back to the cart. Gissel good job he said and started to push the cart me right beside him. Okay what else I asked. Well I got my snacks you got your all we need is drinks he said. I nodded and went to the drinks isal. He grabbed sodas and Gatorade. And I grabbed Arizona's and some Gatorade's. Okay were done I said. He nodded and we went to pay for the food.

We walked back into the grocery store and walked around trying to find our mom and dad. But some how got distracted by filming weird vines. And we finally found them paying. They had so much food. They piad it and we finally left the store. The whole time in the car we listened to music and told jokes. I missed these old family memories.

We were no back home and I was tired and frustrated with everything going on. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep to my TV.

-Next day

Shawn's P.O.V
I woke and I sighed knowing that I wasn't going to see any of the guys and most important not Gissel. I got up and took a shower and put the clothes she got me for Christmas. I walked down stairs to nobody. I guess I they went aaliyahs hokey practice. Grabbed a muffin and a orange juice and went back upstairs to be lonley and sad. I decided to text Gissel.

Shawn-S Gissel-G

S-Hey Baby I miss you 😖

G-Hi baby I miss you too 😭

S- So how was your morning ?

G- Good but I wanna see you 😖

S-Okay let me Facetime you okay 😝

G-Okay can't wait ☺️

I put down my phone and called her. She pucked up and I saw her. I saw her beautiful face that just made mh heart melt. Hey baby I said smiling into the camera. Shawn baby I miss you she said smiling. I miss you too so how did it go yesterday I asked. Well when I got here we just ate and went to the jail and then they asked questions and then I identifyed them and now I have to wait and see until it goes to trial she said sighing.

Oh well I hope they get chargered for what they did they deserve it I said. I know me too but let's get off this sad topic and look at my new puppy she said smiling and holding up a black and white small baby huskey with blue eyes. It so adorabable I said smiling. I know should I bring it to the next Magcon she asked kissing it. Yes I wanna hold and cuddle with it I said smiling. She just laughed and we contuied talking. But the more and more I was talking to her the more it made me want to cry.

-Later that day

Matthew's P.O.V
I was in Gissel's room. Hanging out with her like old times. I missed this so much. Ever since Magcon started we really haven't had a brother and sister time. Okay Matt what ever we both know that the booggie man doesn't exist and your trying to scare me she said laughing and pushing me lightly. I laughed with her Do you remember when we were little you would pretend you were a chef I said laughing.

Yeah and mom bought me that pretend Kitchen and sink I would think I was cooking for you she said laying down laughing. We started laughing together. Yeah that's was so fun I said. Yeah hey wanna Facetime Taylor she asked. I nodded and she pulled out her macbook and connected her phone to it and dialed Taylor's number.

Hi Taylor Gissel said smiling and laughing. What's Taylor I said. Hey baby girl he said smiling. What's up bro he said smiling also. Taylor look at my new puppy she said holding it up and kissing it. I like it bring it to the next Magcon he said. Okay will do she said snuggling with it. We then started to talk about cars and the basket ball and Gissel eventually fell asleep but I stayed awake talking to Taylor and stopped around 3Am. And fell asleep next to Gissel.

There's Chapter 61

Oh I have a question do you guys want me to make a chapter about the court stuff or skip it? I hope you guys enjoyed reading. I enjoyed writing. I love you guys so much🙈💕💗 . Oh and please go check oht my Taylor Caniff fanfic and give ot some votes it would mean allot Anywhore bye guys 👋 . 4 Votes=Update 2 Comments=Update

Stay Gucci👌😝😜

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