Chapter 19 Fun Races and Taco Bell

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Gissel's. P.O.V

I walked up to Shawn and he was talking to Nash. Hello Shawn I say and kiss his cheek. Hello Nash I say. Hi Baby he says and intertwined our fingers together. Hi Gissel Nash says smiling. Hey Nash Smack Cam I hear Cameron scream and he smacked Nash with nothing and he ran away. Oooohhhh your so on he said and ran after Cameron. Me and Shawn were just laughing. I know there was something wrong with you back at ihop tell me the truth He said. Okay I will, okay so the waiter was one of Ryder's friend. He use to beat me just like Ryder did and I'm scared that he's going to tell Ryder that he saw me And I all so got a text from that number again yesterday I said. I felt Shawn Wanting to clench his fist but he knew my hand was there and I guess he didn't want to hurt me. What did it say he asked I got my phone out and I showed him the text messages.

He read it. Don't worry I'll protect you before I protect my self he said. We had stopped walking and he put his forehead against my. I know but I want you to be safe I said. Who cares I can protect my self but I need to protect you first he said. Okay I said. He leaned down and kissed me and he put his hand on my cheek. Are you guys coming or nah Taylor said. We pulled apart Yeah I said and turned my head to them. Okay come on let's go Taylor said. Okay we're coming we said. And started to walk.

We walked out to the cars in silent. I went in the car with Taylor Matt Shawn me and Lox. Taylor would not stop yelling cock.. And telling the cab driver that he was sexy. It was really freakin funny. Okay we're here the cab driver said. Okay thank you Me and Lox said and We were about to give him money when the boys slapped our hands away. What We said. Leave this to the men they said and took out there wallets. We rolled our eyes and smiled. Okay we're good they said as the cab drove away and the rest of the guys walked to us. We were a little far from the place it was the parking area. Okay let's go in Sammy said. Okay let's go I said and we started to walk. I was walking beside Lox and we were talking. Gissel I Hear someone say. Yeah I say. And then I see Shawn in front of me and I see Taylor In front of Lox. What we say. Get on our backs they say bending over. Okay we say and jump on there backs. Okay who ever gets in the place faster wins Taylor says. Okay deal Shawn says. Okay on your mark get ready set go Sammy says.

They start to run and I hold onto Shawn for my dear life. He starts to laugh. I see Taylor run in front of us. And then Shawn picks up his speed and now we are next to Taylor. I see rocks on the floor and the guys could trip on them. Shawn be careful there's rocks I said into his ear. He nodded and I kissed his cheek. TAYLOR BE CAREFUL THERE ROCKS Lox screamed. OKAY I WILL he screamed back. I finally see the door and I feel like Shawn ran the fastest and he made it with Taylor right behind him. I win Shawn says. Yeah yeah Taylor says and puts Lox down. And he was out of breath just like shawn was.

Shawn puts me down and he was breathing hard. Are you okay I asked shawn worried. Yeah Im fine he said and grabs me and picks me up and we kiss. We then pull apart and he puts me down. So did you guys like the ride Taylor says. Yeah it was fun and it saved us allot of walking me and Lox say laughing . So who won Jack.G asked. Shawn the Macho Man I said laughing. They all laughed. I have to admit you won fair and square Taylor said. Thanks man Shawn said and they bro high five and bro hugged. Okay let's go in me and Lox said and we ran into the place.

And we go to the front desk. The guys walk in and they go to the front desk too. Yes how may I help you the guy at the front desk says. Umm yeah we would like to buy the 5 hour wrist band I say ( I've never been to sky zone so I don't know how this works.) yeah sure for how many he says. Ummm 13 Lox said. Okay coming right up the guy said and took out the wrist bands. We all chip in and we pay. We put the bands on and we go and jump.

Shawn's P.O.V

We all separate and I went with Taylor Gissel and Matt. We all start to jump. And went into the Foam pit. We all played around for hours until we decided to leave. I'm hungry I said. When aren't you Gissel said smiling. I guess never I said grabbing her hand and intertwined our fingers. But I'm not judging I'm hungry too I'm craving some Taco Bell she said. Yes please Lox said. Okay Taco Bell it is Taylor said.

Taco Bell was across the street. Let's race again Taylor said. Really I said. Yeah let's go me and you Taylor said. Okay let's go I said. Really Shawn Gissel said. Yes really now come on get on my back i said. Fine she said. She jumped on my back and I grabbed onto her legs and I stood up and she holded on me so tight that I just laughed. Come on let's go I im hungry Gissel said laughing. Oh Now who is the hungry One I said. Okey Me now chop chop horsey let's go she said giggling and every one laughed. I just laughed and she kissed my cheek. But you know horsey your really cute she said and kissed my cheek I just smiled. Okay let's do this Sammy said. I look over and I see Lox On Taylor's back. Okay 1.2.3 go
Sammy said and we ran.

I felt Gissel lay her hand on the crook of my neck witch made me smile. I was almost at the place and then Taylor passed me. I ran as fast as I could and I got there before Taylor. Taylor was right behind me and he got there so did the rest of the boys. Yay we won now let's go get Tacos Gissel said laughing. Okay let's go I said out of breath. And I put her down and Taylor did the same with lox.

We walk in and we ordered food and we went to sit down at separate Tables. I sat with Taylor Matt Gissel and Lox. We all sat and ate. I can't wait till Magcon Tomorrow Matt said. I know me to we all said. We all sat there and ate. We eventually left and went back to the hotel and we all chilled and hanged out in Lox and Gissel's room we all then fell asleep.

Therese Chapter 19


Short Chapter I know but that all I wanted to right for this one. Like if you like Starbucks and comment your favorite drink from there.

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Stay Gucci 👌😜😝

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