Chapter 57 Happy Birthday Nash

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Matthew's P.O.V
I was walking to my mom and dad hotel room with Gissel. Today is there last day here because my mom has to leave to go to her cemo therapy and my dad has to return to work. Me and Gissel are going to leave next week with the guys. We walked into their room and Gissel looked nervous and scared.

Okay honey we have been keeping this from you for to long you need to know this my mom said to Gissel. She looked like she was about to be sick. What's going on tell me please now She said sounding eger. Okay so when you were gone me and your mother went to the doctor and we found out she has liver cancer my dad said looking down at the floor.

I looked over at Gissel. Her face dropped her tan skin was turning pale. And her eyes started to getting glossy and tears started streaming down her face. We all got up and hugged her and she just cried. Mom are you gonna be okay She asked as we pulled apart from the hug. Yes baby I'll be fine She said hugging her again. Then they pulled apart my mom wiped her tears away. Its okay pumkin I will be fine please don't cry She said hugging her.

Gissel's P.O.V
I started crying I can't believe this is happening. One day I can have her but then one day she might be gone. It's okay pumkin I will be fine please don't cry my mom said hugging me and rubbing my back. We pulled apart and I nodded and wiped my tears with my sleeves. After I had calmed down Me Matthew My mom and dad just sat there and talked. For a long time like we haven't done in a while. Slowly my sadness was lifted away because seeing my mom smiling made me smile.

We were now doing Magcon. And I of course was backstage eating the snacks provided there. I heard someone laugh behind me I turned around and it was Shawn. I knew you would be here He said and wrapped his arms around my waist. I swallowed my food and stood on my tipy toes and sorta Wrapped my arms around his neck. Well you were right I giggled and tired to kiss him but he lifted his head and I was to short to reach. Ugh why do you do this to me I said kissing his neck. He just laughed jump he said. I did as I was told and jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist and he put his hands on butt and thighs. And I just hugged him like I was going to lose him soon. What no kiss he said laughing. I just laughed and grabbed his face and our lips touched and moved in perfect sync like they always do. We pulled apart and we just smiled and looked in each others Eyes.

Where's Shawn Mendes And Gissel Espinosa I heard Jack.G say in the mic. Where right here Shawn said walking out to the stage with me still in his arms and my arms wrapped around his neck. Awe how cute why don't you do that with me Taylor said in the mic doing his pouty face. We all laughed Okay fine come to papa Shawn said putting me down and grabbing Taylor we all started laughing. He put Taylor down and hugged him. And there you have y'all the cute couple I said into the mic laughing. The crowed started screaming OTP OTP OTP. No I think we know who the real otp is me and Gissel Sammy said picking me up bridal style and kissed my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and the crowed and everyone started laughing. Yeah were the real Otp he's bae I said laughing and kissed sammys cheek. Alright everybody now let's get to the most important subject which is Nash Hamilton Grier Birthday Lox said and the crowed went wild and we all cheered. Skyln and His mom came out and gave him his cake. He just smiled. And I was put down by Sammy and he put his arm around my shoulders.

All right guys help us out singing for Nash Lox said into the mic. They all cheered. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Nash Happy birthday to you we all sang. He just smiled and blew out his candles and we all cheered like the crazy people we are.
Okay so you Guys I just wanted to say a couple of words about my best friend I said and went to Nash and hugged him and he grabbed my waist.

Okay first off I love you so much Nash your the most amazing best friend in the entire world like honestly I remember all the stupid talks we've had and they just make me smile and I just wanted to say thank you for being my bestfriend I said crying a little. The crowed awed. And Nash just huggged me Your welcome I love you too he whispered in my ear I just smiled and pulled away from him. The rest of the guys said nice words about Nash and then the event was over.

I was back stage and I was on the couch talking with sammy about back home, school and stuff. So how's school Sammy asked playing with my hair because I had my head in his lap. Good I'm doing online school now I said. That's good he said looking down at me and I smiled. And he smiled down at me. Grabbed my hand and intertwined pur fingers I just laughed. I love ya Playa I said laughing. I love ya homie he said smiling. Ah I love my best friends so much.

Shawn's P.O.V
I see sammy getting too close to Gissel. And I don't like it. Aaron why is he doing that I asked getting mad. Come on Shawn there friends he said. I guess your right I said. He grabbed her hand. And kissed her cheek. That just threw me over the edge. He's flirting with her in front of me and shes going along with it. Wtf ?

Gissel's P.O.V
You guys are the best Nash said as we climbed into the bus so it could take us to the hotel. Awe Nashy your so cute Cameron said squeezing his cheeks. He just laughed and hugged him. Me Shawn Nash Cameron Aaron and Carter were in the back. But Shawn wasn't to happy. Shawn are you okay I asked trying to grab his hand but he just pulled away. I sighed and brought my knees to my chest and went on my phone. Why is he mad is it because of what happened on stage with sammy or because I was hanging out with sammy back stage.

We were now in the hotel and I was in my mom and dads room helping them pack. Mom I don't know why's he's mad did I do the wrong thing and kiss Sammy's cheek or because i hung out with sammy back stage I said folding shirts and putting them in her suit case.

Maybe sweetie you should go talk to him she said looking at me. I think so to My dad said walking out the restroom. Well okay bye mommy bye daddy I said. Bye honey They said and with that I walked out there room. I first went to Nash's room. Nash opened the door. Hey I said Hey he said. I just wanted to say again happy birthday and goodnight I said. He smiled and hugged me Thank You and good night he said and let go of me. I smiled and walked away and went to Shawn and Taylors room.

I knocked and Taylor opened. Hey baby girl he said and grabbed my waist and hugged me I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He's mad at me I don't knkw what to do I said into his chest. Its okay talk to him he said rubbing my back. I nodded and he let go of the hug. He opened the door more and I walked in and Shawn was in his bed shirtless on his stomach. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his back.

Shawn tell me what I did wrong I said. Nothing no answer. Please Shawn answer me Im sorry I was hanging out with sammy I said on the verge of tears. Nothing everything was quiet. I looked at Taylor and he gave me "I'm sorry he's doing this" look. I sighed well goodnight Taylor I said. Goodnight Shawn I said and got up and went to the door. I was about to open the door when I felt arms wrap around my waist. Don't leave please Shawn said into my ear. I turned around and looked into his eyes. Why your mad at me I said looking down. He lifted my chin up. I'm not mad it just hate sharing my baby he said burrying his head on the crook of my neck. I smiled and hugged him back and burried my head in his chest. I didn't mean to do that I really didn't I said.I know so please don't leave He said. I noedded and he let go of me and we walked back to his bed and we layed down.

Are you guys happy now Taylor said walking out the restroom. We both nodded. Okay good now I'm sleepy Goodnight he said and laid down and fell asleep. I changed into so comfy clothes that Shawn gave me and fell asleep happy in his arms.

There's chapter 57

I hope you guys enjoyed reading. I enjoyed writing. I love you guys so much🙈💕💗 . And bye guys 👋 . 4 Votes=Update 2Comments=Update

Stay Gucci👌😜😝

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