Chapter 45 Lonely Nights

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Shawn's P.O.V

-1 Week after.

So it's been one week of Gissel being gone and I literally haven't left her room. I've been crying knowing she's in danger and all I can do is go out and look for her. The guys are always gone looking for her. My parents are here and they try and comfort Gissel's and Matts parents. The other guys parents came to visit so they all comfort them.  You never really know how much you really love someone until there gone.

I mean I knew I loved Gissel but like now knowing she's gone makes me love her over and beyond if you get me. Come on Shawn please talk  Lox and Jacob said coming into her room. I just turned away from them. Please Shawn say something I know this is hard this is for all of us we love Gissel and I hope and pray she will be okay but we are here to comfort you Jacob said rubbing my back I just cried I can't take this any more.

I miss her I miss her so much I sobbed. It's okay Shawn it's okay Lox said wrapping me into a hug I just cried. It's okay I know you love and miss her but we will have her back soon Jacob said a few tears falling. Jacob soon join us we all cried in a sad sobbing sandwich.

Jox some how convinced me too get out of Gissel's room and we went down stairs. When we walked in all the parents plus Aaliyah looked at me in shock. I looked at them and they all came and engulfed me into hugs. When I got Aaliyah I hugged her longer and tighter.

It's okay Shawn she said into my ear when we hugged. I put her down and she looked at me with worry and sadness in her eyes. Then the guys walked in they looked at me in shock too. I just shrugged it off and went to the kitchen and went to the cabinet where Gissel hid her food I grabbed her favorite a cosmic brownie and ate it. I was actually kinda hungry.

I really haven't been eating or sleeping well because I'm so sad and depressed about Gissel. Ugh I miss Gissel so much. I walked out the kitchen and went to hug Mrs.Espinosa. She just cried into my shoulder and I comforted her I had to no more tears to cry. It's been a very emotional week.

Like all the guys have been crying I know it because I can hear them cry in the rooms. And Matt cries and sleep talks all night. And Taylor he's just sad and depressed just as me and all the boys. He's doing that thing again that he did before when Gissel was in the hospital he would sleep talk and just say how much he loves and misses her. I can't take it no more I need her I need to find her now.

Gissel's P.O.V

-Going back to when she woke up days before

I woke up with a blindfold on my eyes and some rag on my month. And I was tied up. I tried my best to get the blindfold of and I did. I looked around I recognized this place. From the wooded walls and the dirty black floor to the old smell of pine trees and old mold. I was looking around when the door opened and revealed Ryder and Sophia they smirked at me and Ryder came and punched me.

You deserve to die he said as I laid on the floor crying from the pain. Both Sophia and Ryder came to me and beat me until I had blood gushing everywhere. After that they just kicked me one more time and left laughing. I just went to a corner and cried to myself. I was in so much pain I was so broken I wanted Shawn and Matt Taylor my parents all the guys. I wanted to just die at this point. I just sobbed and sobbed until I feel asleep sobbing in a corner.

-1 Week later

I've been in this old cabin for God knows how long. Everyday I get beaten three times by Ryder, Sophia and Ryder friend Luis. I can't take it anymore. I'm in hell but as long as my family and everybody that I care about are okay and safe I'm happy. I only get fed when they feel like it, so like once a day. I get treated like a dog in this place. I've heard people walking by but when I try to scream for help Ryder just beats me more.

I could try escaping but I'll get caught no matter what I'll always will. I found my self a notebook here and everyday I write in it just my thoughts my feelings. And it's the only thing that I have. I also found a knife in here so I'm kinda trying to find an escape plan. But that's gonna be hard because there's only one of me and three of them. So that's impossible for me to escape.

Stop crying and eat your food you worthless piece of shit Ryder said and threw me a bag of food and locked the door and left. I grabbed the bag and opened it there was a sandwich and water that's all I ever eat. But it's food so I just grab it and eat it. Well I've already have had my two beatings today so the worst one is coming soon and that one is Ryder. I don't even feel like a human anymore I feel like I'm just a body that just lays around.

I just wish all the guys could burst through the doors and just come and save me but I know that never gonna happen. But I could only wish and pray that will happen. I never wanted this. I didn't know that dating the kid who was so sweet to everybody would cause this much hurt and damage in my life. Every time I think of home I think of all the fun memories we have had.

-Flash Back.

Shawn I love you I said smiling as me and Shawn walked down to the park. I love you too Gissel Shawn said smiling down at me. When we got there, there was a little girl with a flower in her hair and she was playing with another girl that had the same hair style they were both playing on the teeter toter. I smiled One day that's gonna be our kids Shawn said.  I smiled Yeah there going to be so cute and cuddly I said smiling. We went to the swings and I hopped on. Shawn started pushing me and we both were having fun. I hopped of and Shawn catches me. I smiled and we both leaned in and we kissed. Man that was the best day ever

-End of flash back

I was crying remembering that moment. Because that's when I realized that I loved Shawn. I was now done eating and I was finished writing in my notebook. And that's when Ryder came in and I got my daily punishment from him. He kicked me in my stomach and punched me In the face multiple times. When he was finally done he left and I was left more of a mess than what I was before. But I guess I deserved this because I'm a worthless piece of trash like Ryder says. I miss home Shawn the guys my family. I miss everything but there safe that's all that matter.

Matthew's P.O.V
I was in my room crying. I miss Gissel. I wonder what there doing to her. Every time I think that question I think the worst things ever. Like if she's in a dead alley.  Or if she's being rapped every day. But I can't stop thinking those type of thing. I really do miss her and Im not giving up until I find her. I promise that.

I need her we all need her our parents Shawn, Taylor, Lox, Jacob, Cameron, Nash, Carter, Hayes, Sammy, Aaron, Jack.G, Jack.J, and for fuck sakes even Savannah cares about her surprising. They all need her we need her. And they have promised me not to give up and help me look for her and that's all I could ever wish and want. I'm surprised that Savannah has cried I guess she was serious about trying again. I just hope when we find her it's not dead because I would want to die with her. She's my sister my best friend and I need her.

There's Chapter 45

I hope you guys enjoyed. I enjoyed writing. I know allot longer thanks god. But I thought I'm done giving you guys short chapters so here's a long one and for more to come. I love you guys so much 🙈💕🎀. Anywhore bye Guys 👋 4 Votes= Update 2 Comments=Update

Stay Gucci 👌😝😜

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