Chapter 74 All Together Again

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Taylor's P.O.V
You should try finding a Canadian girl Aaron nudged me. I started laughing. Yeah sure I'll try I said as we all walked in Shawn's nice warm house. Aaliyah do you mind showing them around while me and your father go get food Shawn's mother said as she grabbed her keys. Uhh yeah sure mom bye she said hugged her parents and they left.

So guys were do you think this kid is Matthew asked. Oh he's probably out side by the pool Aaliyah said as she walked out the kitchen. Oh alright we said and sled the doors and it revealed Shawn and Gissel hugging. Hello are we interrupting I asked I walked out the house along with the other guys. Yeah you kinda are Gissel said. We just laughed Shawn put her down and came and hugged us. What's up guys he said and went around all of us and hugging us. We started talking but we were interrupted by screaming and some one being thrown in the pool.

Gissel's P.O.V
Gissel so how does this feel being here Lox asked dancing around. I just laughed Good I missed my baby too much I said smiling. Aaliyah came to us Hello girls she said hugging us. Hello girly we said and hugged her back. We started talking until we kinda got into an a chase and run situation 😂. NO NO GIVE IT BACK Lox screamed. I just kept running around the pool with her phone. No please just Chill Gissel she said laughing. I gave into her and I started laughing. Thank you she said smiling. Your welcome I said.

Gissel watch out I heard Jack.G scream and then I was pushed against someone's body I started screaming and then I fell into the pool. It was freezing cold. Oh my lord I'm so sorry I heard Carter say. I looked at him and lowered my eyes at him. I started shivering bad. I swam to the edge of the pool. And Shawn came and helped me up. I was just shivering in his arm. Well this a good start to start off Canada I said burying my head into warm chest. He just laughed Here Gissel Aaliyah said and gave me a blanket. Shawn grabbed it and wrapped me in it.

He helped me up come on let's go get you changed he said as we walked into his warm house. Are you alright he asked. Yeah just cold I said laughing and he did to. We walked up the stairs and we went his nice room that I recognized because of the vine and because of FaceTime. I smiled as I walked into his room. I saw his blue walls and his suit case in a corner. And his Tv and his bed. And his desk and everything.

Here you can put the this on he said and tossed me a pair of black sweat pants with a grey Vans shirt and pair of his boxers. I just looked at him confused. What your not changing you underwear he asked sitting on his bed grabbing his phone. I just laughed Yeah but your junk and everything has been in there I said. He just laughed Those are new I promise he said not looking up from his phone. I raised an eyebrow Fine okay Umm where's the bathroom I asked.

Down the hall to the left he said. I nodded and walked out. I walked into the restroom and I took off my black mushy wet Vans. I put them to a side. I took off my jeans and undies and put on what I was provided by Shawn his boxers and sweat pant I put them on and I then I took of my shirt luckly my bra wasn't allot wet. I put the shirt on and I gathered my clothes and ringed them out and I walked out barefooted. I walked into Shawn's room again and I see him just laying on his bed with his phone. I smile So umm where do I put my clothes I asked.

Here give them to me he said and got up. I nodded and handed them to him. He put them in his dirty hamper. And closed his closet. I smiled and he came up to me and hugged me and I wrapped my arms around is waist I missed you so much Gissel he said kissing the top of my head. I missed you too Shawn I said looking up at him and I saw his wonderful brown eyes and smile. We both started leaning in and then our lips met and moved in perfect sync. After a few moments we pull apart and just smiled at each other again. He pecks my lips one more time. Come on let's go down stairs he said. I nodded and he let go of me and and we walked out his room and went down Stairs hand in hand.

I when we got down stairs Aaliyah was helping her mom put food out in the dining table. Hey I'm going to go help your mom and sister out I said and kissed his cheek and walked to them. Hello Mrs.Mendes may I please help I asked. No sweetie your a guest she said looking at me. Oh come on Mrs.Mendes I can help it's no problem I won't tell the guest president I said giggling. She giggled and smiled at me okay she said and handed me plates.

I smiled and help set the table. I put the plates on the table then helped Aaliyah to put food on the table and then came the cups forks spoons and napkins and then we were done. Okay all done I said high fiving them. They laughed and high fived me back. Kids the food is set Mrs.Mendes said. They all piled into the dining room as we sat down and dug in. Well you guys I'll leave you guys to eat me and Manny have to go pay bills and taxs she said. We all nodded to her. Okay bye mom Shawn said and got up and kissed her cheek and hugged her which made me smile. And then she left we carried on eating and talking like old times.

I had finished eating so did the others. So Shawn touring this summer how excited are you Sammy asked. Really happy I can't wait he said smiling. I swear I could see his eyes sparkle like crazy. Well yeah what about music Jack and Jack asked. Well I'm working on a song but it's not close to being finished he said sighing. Oh well I know when it's finish it's going to be great Nash said smiling. Which made Shawn smile. Yeah it's true we all said.

He smiled even more You guys are literally the best he said smiling. We know we all said flipping our hair but the guys pretended to flip there imaginary hair. (Lol 😂). We all started laughing and we carried on talking until we got up and they all scattered around the house doing different stuff. Some of them were playing the piano the others were playing the guitar and others were just playing with there animals. 

I saw Aaliyah starting to pick up the mess in the tables. I decided to help I picked up the plate cups and forks and put them in the sink. Hey how did the table get so clean fast I heard Aaliyah say. Well because there in here I said from the kitchen she walked in and laughed. No no Gissel don't help I can do it she said turning on the water to wash them. No no you go up to your room and watch YouTube or something I got this I said and kissed her cheek and hugged her. 

She just smiled. Okay she said and went up to her room. I smiled and started to wash them I put soap all over them and then I started to rinse them. That's when I felt arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. What are you doing your the guest I heard Shawn say and kiss my neck which just sent shivers all over my body. I just smiled Ugh everybody says that and because your sister was going to do it and she's a kid who need to chill and I don't want your mom to do it I said finishing the last plate and putting in the counter so I could dry them. He kissed my cheek Wow your such a cutie aren't you he said. I just laughed and turned off the water and I grabbed a towel dried my hands and turned around to face him. I don't know maybe I said and pecked his lips and then I dried the plates and put them up.

Okay now all clean I said and dried my hands. Well now that your done come on let's get out of here he said and grabbed my hand and we walked out the kitchen and went to the living room where they had a movie loading. Oh what movie I asked as I sat on the floor with Lox and Jacob and Shawn sat next to me. We cuddled in the blanket. Scary movie 5 Taylor said. I nodded and then the movie started. I laid in Shawn's arms watching the movie eventually falling asleep on his chest.

There's Chapter 74

I hope you enjoyed I enjoyed writing. I know it's sucks and I'm sorry. I love you guys so much 🙈💕💗. Bye guys 👋. 4 Votes=Update 2 Comments=Update

Stay Gucci 👌😝😜

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