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"Perfect," I said to myself as I finished analyzing applications. I copied it in the pen drive so that I can hand over it to Mr Kim. As I copied them I stood up and walked to Mr Kim's office. I knocked on the door and went inside.

I bowed to him. "Hello Mr Kim, here is the pen drive in which I have copied the applications which I analyzed," I said as I handed him the pen drive.

He nodded and took the Pendrive. He attached it to his PC and started checking them. I stood there observing him. After a while, he finished and looked up at me.

He smiled. "Okay Miss Lee, it's completely perfect." He said as I smiled. "It's been a week since you're here and I observed that you're working really hard. Keep working hard Miss Lee." He said

I nodded and bowed to him. " I'll definitely keep working hard," I said as he nodded and smiled.

I turned around and got out of the office. I sighed and went back to my desk. Yes, it's been a week now that I'm working here. It feels really good I really enjoy working here. Lately, I'm really having fun with the other employees as well. I mean having lunch together, a little bit of chit chat.

I've become close to Hobi and Yoongi. I'm always in my comfort zone when I'm with them. Hobi always jokes and makes me laugh. And on the other side yoongi always keep saying that he wants to sleep. He is much more sleepy head than me. And I'm really enjoying their company.

On the other hand, Jiyong and I are spending so much of the time together. Yesterday we went to the restaurant to have dinner. We eat a lot and enjoyed ourselves together. And after that as usual coming home chit-chatting, watching movies, eating midnight snacks and also I don't let Jiyong sleep on the couch before she's all ready to sleep I wake her up and tell her to get in her room.

Taehyung and I are as well getting along. He is such a sweet and bubbly person. Sometimes he's also a flirt but that just a joke apart. Trying very hard to make Jiyong jealous but always fails.

And my boss Mr Jeon and me had not had much interaction with each other lately. We just have very little interaction, when I have to submit the work-related papers or to greet him 'Good Morning' yeah just this much and not more. He seems a little bit disturbed these days I don't know why and I never bothered to ask him, like why should I ask him huh? It's none of my business right?

I sighed as I went to my desk and sat down on the chair. As my today's work was done, I didn't have more work to do. It was already five in the evening and at six the office hours will be over and I'll be at home sleeping! I don't know why but today I'm feeling really very sleepy. Maybe because I don't have any work today like I always have. I brought my hand to my mouth yawning. Damn! why am I so sleepy today? I put my hands on my desk and rest my head on them.

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