Fifty Five

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Third-person POV

Sooah is sitting on her desk in the office. She sighs for the nth time thinking about yesterday when Jungkook called her. And she did pick up the call but then soon it was abruptly ended.

She kept thinking about Jungkook calling her and kept wondering about if she should call him back or not but then she ended up sleeping thinking about it.

When she woke up today she couldn't help but think about anything but the call. And since now, and while coming to the office she was thinking just about him calling her.

"Did he really call me because he wanted to speak to me or was it a mistake?!" She mumbles to herself.

And then again she's lost thinking about the call.

Just then Jungkook enters the office and then all the employees start to greet him saying 'Good Morning' while he smiles at them and continues to make his way towards his cabin.

"Good Morning," Sooah mumbles looking at him.

And for a second she thinks he did not hear her because of how low she said it.


He pauses listening to her greet as he turns to peek a glance at her, and then again he's quick enough to look away and get straight into his office.

"What was that behaviour?" She knits her brows.

While on the other hand there is Jimin looking at Jungkook who was talking everything about Sooah yesterday, about how he misses her and how he wants to kiss her, etc etc.

And now, acting all cold in front of her.

He shakes his head with a smile on his face thinking that he says something else and does something else. Like, even if he tries to stay cold his behaviour tells everything about how he tries to contend himself getting close to her.

Heaving a sigh he gets up from his seat and makes his way toward Jungkook's cabin. He knocks and then gets inside.

Sooah was about to get up from her seat and was about to get in his cabin too because she wanted to ask if he called her or not, but seeing Jimin entering she stopped.

She sighed and then thought of starting to work.


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