Thirty Six

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I got out of my restroom and put on my pj's. It's been two days since I'm trying my best to ignore him. And tomorrow is finally his birthday. I'm really excited about his birthday, I have already bought him crystal purple cufflinks as I have seen him wearing many of those I think giving him this would be useful for him.

I had my dinner with everyone and everyone is trying their best to ignore Jungkook and looking at his reaction is making me think that it is affecting him. It's affecting the way he confusingly looks at us. The way he gets annoyed when he gets short and lame replies.

Not to mention, how I deny him when he attempts to be cosy with me which instantly makes his jaw drop. I'm not enjoying doing this to him because it's making me hold myself back when he's so close to me, but I have to and tomorrow it'll be the last day to do it and then I can't wait to jump on him.

It's been three days since I haven't felt his lips on mine, not even a single peck. Yes, I'm addicted to his lips, his touch, his talks. Hell, I'm addicted to that whole mighty handsome stud. God, I know how hard I've tried to resist his lips which were trying to kiss me but it was me who kept pushing him away and trust me it was not at all simple for me.

I sigh and then walking towards my closet I open it and took out the cufflinks. I stare at them and a sudden thought came to my mind. Would he love this? I mean, I don't know. He might be having many of them like this and if I gift him then it won't be that special for him, just another pair of cufflinks.

When I got into a shop, as I was searching for something for him to gift, these cufflinks got my attention and I involuntarily imagined him wearing this and he would look complete sexy and classy boss, I've already seen him wearing those but still, I wanted to buy those for him and that's what made me buy this for him. And I just hope he likes it.

I smile and turn around taking the box and a white gift wrapping paper. I plop on my bed crossing my legs in front of me. I then took the scissors and cut the required amount of the gift wrapping paper, then rolling it around the velvet box I stick it neatly. And then I tied a black ribbon bow on top of it.

After I finished I smile looking at it and standing up I put the box back into my closet. I walk out of my room strolling towards my kitchen and my doorbell rang and I just knit my brows. Glancing at the clock I look at the time and wonder who is here this late?

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