Twenty Two

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"Hmm, I knew from the beginning that you were lying," Jungkook mumbled caressing my jaw with his thumb. "I know you can't resist me, so do I." He let out starting right into my eyes.

I bite my lower lip looking at him. "Umm, I- I don't know what to say," I said and looked around avoiding his gaze.

And then realisation hit me hard that I'm still sitting on his lap. I cleared my throat and stood up, standing in front of him while he didn't say anything but just kept his eyes on me, intimidating!

I sighed and turned around to leave. I started walking towards the exit without saying a word, but as I was about to open the cabin door, my wrist was held pulling me back as I ended up clasping on his hard chest.

I looked up at him as his hands left my wrist and sneaked around my waist fully trapping me in his arms. He started walking to his front while holding me with him until I'm pinned against the wall, with his body fully pressed against mine.

My breath increased by the closeness.
"Why are you constantly running away from me?" He whispered and brought his hand up cupping my cheek.

I closed my eyes and lean into his touch. "I don't know," I mumbled.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him staring right into his eyes but my eyes travel down to his lips and suddenly I felt the urge to take them between mine, taste them and feel them again. It feels like an addiction, I just want to grab his face and kiss him again and again.

I slowly stood on my tiptoes and started leaning in attempting to kiss him again. I'm wearing heels but still, he is taller than me. Yes, I'm making a move and I don't know what's happening to me. It's just whenever I look into his eyes I forgot everything else but him, It's like those eyes are hypnotising me, making me do the things which I've never done.

As I'm about to touch his lips but a knock on the door makes me stop on my posture. I closed my eyes and drew my feet back on the ground, standing still. I let out a frustrated sigh closing my eyes.

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