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Third Person POV

Jiyong arrived at the company. As soon as she arrived she went to find Sooah. She wanted to speak with her. She went on the tenth floor and when she spotted Sooah speaking with Hoseok and Yoongi she walked towards her.

Sooah looked at her and smiled. "Hey, Good Morni...." She didn't complete her sentence as Jiyong cut her off.

Jiyong held her hand. "Sooah I want to speak with you about something very important. Let's go." She said and dragged Sooah with her.

Sooah looked behind giving Hoseok and Yoongi an apologetic look and kept walking with Jiyong who was dragging her don't know where. Jiyong took her to the waiting room. The waiting room was empty so she took her there because she waited to speak with her alone.

They entered the room and Jiyong closed the door not locking it. Sooah stood in the middle of the room in confusion as to why Jiyong brought her here and why is she so desperate to speak with her.

Jiyong turned back and walked towards confused Sooah. She stood in front of Sooah keeping her hand on her chest and closed her eyes to calm herself down as she was breathing heavily.

Sooah furrowed her eyebrow and looked towards Jiyong. "Hey what happened? Are you okay? She asked being worried for Jiyong.

Jiyong shook her head and looked at her. "Sooah you remember the necklace I gifted you on your birthday?" She asked.

Sooah looked down and nodded
"Yeah, and I lost it." She said feeling disappointed.

Jiyong sighed. "It's not lost. It's with Jungkook. He has that necklace." She stated.

Sooah shot up her head looking at Sooah knitting her eyebrows. "What?" She asked.


Jiyong was in utter shock seeing Sooah's necklace with Jungkook. She has tons of questions taking place in her mind. As she was busy looking at the necklace Jungkook quickly snatched the necklace from her hand.

Sooah looked at him raising her eyebrows."Who's necklace is it? It's definitely not yours because It's a female necklace."

Jungkook cleared his throat looking around. " is of the girl I...I..had a one night stand with. She left it there....y-yeah" He said while stuttering and looking at her.

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