Fifty Three

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I spot Jungkook drinking quietly sitting in front of the bartender. And yes, this is a chance I can take to hit my plan. This is the best chance and then I can play my cards and this time I'm gonna hit the right buttons.

Letting out a smirk, I get back into my room and then take the drug that I'm gonna give Jungkook. Taking the powder I walk back to the drinks section which is in the resort where Jungkook is having a drink alone.

I walk quietly toward the bartender and since Jungkook is facing the opposite side, I make sure that he does not spot me here. So, I call out to the bartender and he looks at me and takes a few steps so that now he's standing in front of me.

"Yes?" He questions looking at me with doubtful eyes since I'm wearing a mask.

I gulp and yes, I'm taking the risk.

"I want you to give this to him, in his drink," I say handing him the powder packet.

He looks at me and then backs down at the packet then again towards Jungkook. He turns to look at my face and then gives me a look that I can't figure.

"I'm certainly not doing it." He says shaking his head.

I knew he wouldn't agree but since I'm prepared I know he will. I know, how to bribe this poor person. Money can buy them easily and that's what I did.

"How about now?" I say removing some cash.

He looks down and then I see his eyes getting wide probably looking at the amount I'm handing him. I internally let out a smirk, because I know my plan is gonna work this time.

"This," He says and looks up at me. "This is not the exact amount, how about you give me more and I'll do whatever you're saying me to do!" He says raising a brow.

Fucking asshole.

I roll my eyes and speak, "Fine, you just do what I've told you and you'll get your amount," I reply.

He smirks and takes the packet from my hand and I then get back behind the wall and watch as he quietly mixes the powder in Jungkook's while preparing another drink and just like that he hands it over to Jungkook.

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