Fourty Three

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After landing I directly went to Sooah's place. I can't wait to meet her. The only thought that came into my mind when I landed was holding her in my arms. I told my driver to take the luggage to my place and take my car I then drove off to her place.

And now I'm here, standing outside of her apartment. I eagerly knock on the door and wait until she opens the door. I need to ask her, her new passcode. Last time she changed the password because of the birthday thing or else I wasn't standing here waiting for her to open. I could just enter the passcode and have got inside.

The door opened and when I'm about to take her into my arms, my heart utterly sank upon looking at her state. Her eyes were puffy and red as if she was crying. And she was wearing a hoodie which is basically mine which is too much big for her petite frame and she was holding a hot water bag in her hand.

I enter her apartment and closed the door behind me. She then walks towards me and wrap her arms around my torso and I did the same. A sigh of contend emerged from her lungs. But what the matter with her?

"Hey, what's wrong?!" I inquire in concern although I already had an idea.

She tights her hold around me. "Period cramps!" Her voice gets muffled because of my shirt.

I could feel the hot water bag against my stomach. I then slowly caress her back and I felt her relaxing in my soft touch. After a minute or two I then lean back to look at her face and when my gaze landed on her face and I saw her face making a weird expression with her lips going upside down. She close her eyes and let out a groan clutching the hot water bag to her stomach.

"Do you want something?" I ask as I'm still holding her by her waist.


"Okay, chocolate it is. Anything else?" I further ask.


"Okay, and?" I raise my brows.


"And?" I smile looking at her cute pout.

She looks at me and tilts her head as if she is thinking what more she is craving for. Her eyes then get back on me and then she shakes her head.

And she start puckering her lips.

I smile knowing what she's trying to say and the next thing I knew that she is standing on her tiptoes with her lips getting attached to mine. I grin against her lips and then without any further thinking I move my lips with her softly.

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