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We landed in Seoul and I'm on my way back to Jiyong's place. The whole flight was awkward as hell only for me obviously because of Jungkook, while he just kept giving me his smirk whenever our eyes would meet. Acting normally as nothing happened.

After a while, I arrived and walked towards her door and rang the bell. The door opened revealing my pumpkin. I looked at her and smiled while she just kept a blank expression looking at me.

"Do I know you? Who are you? Do you know me?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

Shit! How can I forget? She is indeed angry because I didn't text or called her during the whole business trip except the first day informing her we landed. "H-Hey how are you? I missed you so much." I said and hugged her tightly while she tried to push me away.

"Yah! Leave me!" She said pushing me away. I broke the hug and looked at her and she kept glaring at me. I smiled nervously and walked past her entering inside.

She closed the door and turned around looking at me crossing her arms on her chest. "Um..S-Sorry," I said stuttering.

He looked at me and scoffed. "Why? For what?"
She asked raising an eyebrow.

I ran my fingers through my hairs. "Jiyong-ah,
I'm sorry for not texting or calling you. I am." I stated.

She looked at me as she sat down on the couch same with me. "I think you completely forgot about me." She said with a heavy sigh.

She's right, I forgot about her just because I was completely enjoying Jimin's company and never did he made me remind of her. "Yes," I mumbled.

She looked at me widening her eyes. "Yeah, I was just joking but you seriously.... aish...that Chim." She said rubbing her temple. "I can understand."

I looked at her and sighed. "Yes because of him and..." I paused looking at her biting my lower lip.

She looked at me raising an eyebrow. "And?" She asked waiting for me to continue.

I shook my head. "Uh...n-nothing much," I said stuttering.

"Spill it Sooah." She demanded

I sighed in defeat and looked at her telling her each and everything, about me and Jungkook were sitting on the edge of the pool, our conversation and were about to kiss. The day when Nari lost the pen drive and I handled the presentation, everything that happened in the club and after that how I got drunk and how Jungkook brought me back safely. About bra incident and last but not the least the 'KISS'. And all the sexual tension which is going on between us! But but but, I didn't tell her everything, like how he got horny just by kissing me and started palming himself in front of me.

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