Thirty Four

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"We've to meet after work," Jimin says looking at all of us.

Oh no, Jungkook told me that he's going to take me for dinner after work.

"Yeah, we should start planning about his birthday!" Jiyong nods.

"But, is it okay if everyone is meeting up?" Hobi says. "I mean if everyone is meeting up then what if Kook gets to know that? He'd be suspicious!" He says and we all nod in agreement.

"But why'd he ask us that if we're busy or not?" Yoongi shrugs and then looks at me. "There would be only one person now, which he nowadays might be inquiring if she's busy or not," He smirks.

I look at him and I know my face has turned into crimson and heaved a deep sigh. I know who is he referring this to. I kept consuming food ignoring his comments and their whisper talks and low chuckles. I then lift my head and look at all of them and they were already staring at me.

I sigh putting my chopsticks down. "When we all are meeting?" I ask changing the topic.

"Today, after work," Jimin flatly says.

"Where?" I ask.

He looks at me and nods. "Maybe, my place." He says turning around looking at everyone. "What's say?" He asks raising his brows.

"Okay," Hobi answers. "It's okay at his place right?" He looks at Jiyong and Yoongi and they both nod in agreement.

"Good," I mutter taking the chopsticks and getting back to eating my lunch.

Well, I need to tell Jungkook that today it won't be possible for me and also a very generous excuse as to why wouldn't I able to come.

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