Twenty Eight

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I turn around to leave, and when I open the door I was met by the figure I wished to see. Jungkook! He is standing outside the door and I guess he was about to get inside the room. He looks at me and smiles and here I was just aghast looking at him. I need to ask him, I want to ask him everything! And thank god he is here or else I thought he left me, he left me just as a one night stand which I didn't wish at all.

Just I was about to open my mouth to say something he places his on mine, kissing me. I stood there a bit dumbfounded but then how can I not reply to his kiss? I then kiss him back with the same enthusiasm as him. His hand slid to my back pulling me closer and tilt his head to deepen the kiss.

My eyes shot open when I recollect that I need to speak with him. I unwrap my hands which were wrapped around his neck placing them on his chest, slightly shoving him back, breaking the kiss. He looks at me and smiles which only made me more confuse.

"Jungkook, I-I wanted to ask you something," I say rapidly. "Why is..."

"I know, I know!" He cut me off, grabbing me by my shoulders. "Relax, breath." He says trying to soothe me.

I inhale and exhale few times and he just kept caressing my arm, helping me to calm down. I look up and him and he just nods at me. When I was about to open my mouth he again cut me off by pressing his lips on mine, and Oh god, why am I blushing now? It's not the right moment to go all crimson you idiot Sooah!

"C'mon, let's have some breakfast." He announces turning around, with his hand holding mine leading me to the kitchen.

Me being anxious, I follow him to the dining room and then we both stood there as Jungkook slide out the chair for me, and I sat down there. And he took his seat beside me. I look at him and there wasn't any tint of disturbance on his face, he was all calm. And here I was suffering from anxiety as hell. Oh God, why is he being all quiet?

He then looks at me. "Let's start, should we?" He says after putting a pancake on my plate and his plate.

I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed and I know that my face is clearly showing how anxious I'm feeling right now. When I was about to open my mouth he spoke shutting me up again.

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