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Third Person POV

Jimin and Sooah kept dancing while holding each other. But Jimin was doing all this on purpose obviously because of Jungkook. He wanted to tease Jungkook, he wanted to make him jealous and he wanted Jungkook to make some move.

Jimin glanced at Jungkook while he was holding Sooah very close to him. Though she was not at all uncomfortable by how he was holding her close to him because she was fully comfortable with him. And she didn't feel like that touch was something amorous but friendly.

And yes it was friendly because Jimin never had any kind of feelings for Sooah, but just friends, all he did because he wanted to make Jungkook jealous. But Jimin and Sooah now were like bestest friends forever. And you know, she literally was not at all bothered about Jiyong because the time she spended with Jimin didn't reminded her of Jiyong.

Jimin glanced at Jungkook with playful look on his face. He looked at Jungkook who was throwing daggers on them. Jimin was completely satisfied with his reaction. He looked back at Sooah and started dancing with her while smiling at her as she did the same.

He spun her around so that her back is resting against his chest. He rested his chin on her shoulder as she relaxed herself in his arms closing her eyes with a smile on her face. As they were busy dancing and swaying their bodies with the music. Jimin felt his cellphone vibrat in his pocket.

He removed his cellphone and looked at the text.'Will you stop touching her like that?'. He smirked and looked at Jungkook who was looking at him raising his both of the eyebrow with his cellphone in his hands.

Jimin looked down and typed 'No, not at all. I'm having fun dude!" He texted him back and looked back at Jungkook.

Jungkook glanced at his cellphone and read the text Jimin sent him. He gritted his teeth looking up at Jimin. 'Okay fine, leave her there and get out from here because I want to be there with her. Make any kind of excuse!' Jungkook texted back to him.

Jimin read the text and looked back at Jungkook with smirk as he nodded. Jimin turned Sooah around so she is facing him. He leaned in towards her ear because of the sound which was being played in the background. "Sooah, if you don't mind. I really want to make an important call. Will you please excuse me?" He said in her ear and looked back at her with apologetic look.

He smiled at him and nodded. "It's okay Chim." She stated smiling sweetly at him.

He looked at her and smiled. "I'll be right back, stay here." He stated as he ruffled her hair.

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