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Third Person POV

Sooah arrived at the airport half sleeping with Jiyong. As they were sitting in the waiting area. Jungkook and Jimin arrived after a while with Taehyung. As for Nari, she was already there sitting with them.

'The flight from Seoul to Taiwan will take off in fifteen minutes. All the passengers are requested to align themselves to board the plane. Thankyou.'  The captain made the announcement.

Sooah stood up. "Wait here." She said to Jiyong as she went to Taehyung. Jiyong knitted her eyebrows and looked at her thinking why she is going to him.

"Tae, what did you said to Jiyong?" Sooah asked to Taehyung as he knitted his eyebrows not getting what she wants to say. "Last night she was saying me to stay and not to go on the business trip, not to leave her alone she was totally behaving like a kid. Is this something related to you?"
She asked.

He raised his eyebrows. "No need to worry I'll look at her. Alright?" He said with assuring smile as she nodded and smiled back at him.

"Yes don't worry he'll definitely take care of her really good after all She'll be alone at home." Jungkook stated looking at her.

She sighed and nodded her. She knows what exactly he is talking about. How exactly Taehyung will take care of Jiyong!

On the other hand Jiyong was speaking with Jimin. "Yah! you take care of Sooah okay. I know she's now comfortable with you. So you better be with her." Jiyong stated.

Jimin smiled and nodded. "Ofcourse sweetheart. You can anticipate on me." He said winking at her.

They walked towards their plane after bidding Taehyung and Jiyong goodbye. As they went in the flight Jungkook stopped Nari helding her wrist while Jimin and Sooah were walking to their seat. As Jungkook held her wrist she looked behind and saw that Jungkook was giving her death glare as she was confused to why he held ther wrist.

"I know what you're trying to do with Sooah, do not try to play your filthy tricks with her, in front of me or in my company." Jungkook said anger fuming in him. "And if you try to do anything in this trip with her. Then I'll make sure to make your life hell as you said you'll make her. And trust me when I say it I mean it." He stated as she gupled down her saliva seeing him this angry. "So you better mind you own fucking business. Do not make me to cross my limits so that I can't be held responsible for my own actions." He stated in warning tone and walked to his seat.

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