Twenty Nine

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I look up when the cabin door opens only to see Nari coming out balling her fists she looks at me, oh sorry glaring at me and I just knit my eyebrows looking at her. She strolls at me and stood in front of my desk and I just gave her the look 'now what?'

"Mr Jeon wants you in his cabin, now!" Nari says gritting her teeth.

And I don't know why my lip curls into a very impish grin looking at her furious exterior. I got up from the chair keeping my eyes on her. I let out a very fake wide smile and there I cross my arms around my chest.

"Okay, I'll get going then, Mr Jeon wants to see me in his cabin you know!" And I also don't know why I asserted in a devilish tone!

She keeps her glare on me and I turn around ignoring her and I again don't know why I didn't knock but directly enter into his cabin, being optimistic! He is sitting on his chair with his eyes in front of the PC, working. He looks so fortunate when he's all focused with his brows furrowed, lips pursed.

I mean he is just sitting there operating his computer and he still manages to look extraordinarily sexy. I look at him biting on my lip, his hair is suitably styled, his eyebrows knitted together, his eyes all focused on the computer, his lower lips is tucked between his teeth as he's nibbling on them, his robust chest, shoulders and strong arms, and his long fingers which are working on the keyboard, typing. The same fingers which were inside of m....

"Crap!" I mutter shaking my head, breaking my thoughts. I then clear my throat and look at him. "You wanted to see me?" I ask.

He looks up at me and nods. "Oh yes," He says standing up from his chair.

My heart suddenly started beating fast when he starts to walk, his every step coming near me. I turn to the side facing him when he strides around his table. He finally stops in front of me, towering his muscular figure. I gulp looking at him when he shows his very nasty smirk.

"You know I was thinking only about you today. I can't get you out of my mind," He whispers.

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