Fifty Seven

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Third-person POV

Sooah get's inside her apartment as she removes her heels and get's into her comfy slippers. She then throws her bag on the couch followed by her mobile.

She kicks the door open of her bedroom and get's inside with fast strides as then she throws herself on her bed, her back facing the ceiling and then she bursts.

She bursts into tears, sobbing hard.

She did not think that if she tried to have a proper conversation with Jungkook, just to make things right he would end up being furious to this extent.

She did not thought, that she might see this side of him. She did not imagine him that way, him saying her an attention seeker. I mean, not exactly he said that but close to it.

She was hurt, disappointed and most of all she was broken. She was broken to see Jungkook this way. She tried to make things right, but he just pushed her away. He raised his voice at her, he hurt her.

"Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook!" She exclaims hitting the bed as the tears are rolling down her cheeks.

After a few minutes of crying, she finally gets up and makes her way toward the bathroom as she then takes a warm relaxing bath but that doesn't stop her crying in the restroom.

Coming out wearing a bathrobe, she goes towards her closet and pulls out her PJs as she puts them on and then making her way towards the kitchen she starts making some pasta for herself.

"Why should I starve myself for that asshole?!" She scoffs out in anger.

After making pasta she shoves all of that in her throat to her stomach. She then washes all of the dishes and then arranges everything in the kitchen she finally goes into her living room and makes herself comfortable on the couch.

She thinks.

She overthinks about whatever happened.

Between her and Jungkook, she can't help but get a glimpse of their argument and that causes fresh tears in her eyes

Just as she is thinking, her phone buzzes demonstrating that someone has called her, thinking it might be Jungkook she quickly takes it but all of her hopes die looking at Jimin's name on the caller ID.

She sighs. "Bold enough of me to think he'll call me," She mumbles before picking up.

"Hey," Jimin utters from the other side.

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