Fifty Two

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I got up as the sunlight landed on my face. Blinking my eyes few times as I try to adjust the light, I finally open my eyes and look around my room. I roll on the bed and then get up as I sat on my bed crossing my legs.

I let out a yawn and then grabbed my phone from my nightstand. Opening it I check if I got some text from Jungkook and I didn't get any.

Letting out a sigh I got off the bed and did my morning rituals. After that, I took a bath and got ready for breakfast. I put on a simple yellow summer dress and with pair of white Converse shoes.

I make my way out of my room.

I stand in front of Jungkook's room and knock a few times but he doesn't open the door. Knitting my brows I take a step back and let out a sigh as I then walk back to my room and grab his room keycard.

Getting back in front of his room I swipe the keycard and the door opens. I get inside in search of Jungkook, but I see an empty bed. I look around the room and I don't spot Jungkook anywhere. I check the restroom and the balcony too but Jungkook isn't anywhere in this room.

I take out my phone and dial Jungkook's number. I make a call but then his phone is switched off and is telling me to leave a voice message.

I make a call to Taehyung as I then wait for him to pick up the call,

"Hello?" He answers in a sleepy voice.

"Um hey, Tae. Have you seen Jungkook?" I inquire.

"No," He says. "Yesterday he was in his room and I was in mine and now I'm still sleeping I don't know where he is. I can't really tell where he is."  He answers.

"Oh, alright," I say lowly.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" He asks, even his sleepy concern visible in his voice.

"No, yeah. I think he might be in the garden. I'll check there. You can sleep and sorry," I say referring to his sleep as I woke him up.

"No, it's alright." He yawns. "Bye goodnight,"

And with that, he hangs up.

I exit his room and make my way towards Minji's room and I knock three times. And after knocking for the fourth time she finally opens the door.

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