Fifty Four

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"I guess, I'll get going then," Taehyung announces.

I look at him and give him a thankful smile as I let out a nod in approval. He smiles back as he gets up and mutter me a 'Take care' and then he turns around and start to leave.

"Tae," I call him.

He stops and turns around looking at me. Getting up I make my way towards him and when I'm right in front of him, I speak.

"Um, don't tell anything about this to Jiyong." I tell with hopeful eyes.

He looks at me and tilts his head probably thinking something which I don't know.

"You sure you don't want to share it with her?!" He replies after some seconds.

"Yeah, I don't want her to worry about me. I mean, she's on a vacation and I want her to enjoy it without having any other thing in her mind." I reply with a sigh.

"Okay," He slowly nods. "But you've to make thinks rught before she gets to know them and then she'll kill me for not telling her, so sort it out ASAP!!"

I purse my lips and nod. "Yup," I mumble.

And just like that he takes his leave.

Taking a deep breath, I look around and then I make my way inside the resort and then to the elevator and then to my room.

After arriving there, I freshen up and was my face which was totally red a while ago, since I was crying in ugly. And yes, I know I'm the dumbest person Jungkook might've ever seen.


After an hour I plop myself on a bed as I keep staring at the ceiling and then my mind wanders to how Jungkook was trying to speak but it was just me who was constantly cutting him off.

He kept on saying that I'm taking everything wrong and all the stuff. But as I said, I'm so dumb. I should've let him explain, I should've listen to him but I choose to shut him up by my unnecessary ranting.

"Why the fuck I'm so dumb?!" I shriek in frustration.

Things might have not been this messed up. Everything is my fault, ughh!

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