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Today is our graduation ceremony. This month was hectic as hell. We completed our final exams. For me, exams went well. Obviously, Because I had prepared really hard. But let me tell you, as always I did nothing in chemistry. It was shit for me so yeah I'm sure I can't be in second place. But it's okay though!

Life goes on.

It has now come to an end for Graduation Ceremony. Everyone's parents were present there for the ceremony. Jiyong and my parents left after the ceremony was over.

"YEAHHH!" Everyone booms in happiness when the ceremony was over and threw the hats upwards. Everyone was having fun, clicking pictures to keep beautiful memories of their graduation. I glance at everyone thinking how much I'm gonna miss this place these people.

The journey of two years was delightful. University have been an unforgettable journey that has prepared us for the future whatever it may hold. This day is like a new start to our future. I'll cherish this day all along with my life. Now it has come to an end. No more exams, No more detention, No more extra classes, No more lunch sharing, No more homework, No more following rules and regulations, No more coming late for school, No more waking up early in the morning not to miss important lectures. Everything has come to an end.

Everyone got the freedom to live on their own.

"Sooah, what are you thinking? Are you okay?" Jiyong says while bringing back my lost soul. I glance at her and saw how happy she is. Her beautiful smile plaster on her cute face. One thing that is not going to change is our bond. This bond is going to be forever.

"Nothing was just thinking how initially time flies. Just yesterday we were studying shit out of our souls and now it has come to an end" I say and she nods and pulling me into a bear hug.

"Everything in life comes to an end sweetheart. And now we are mature. We are allowed to take our own decisions. We've got our freedom. We've got ready to look to our future. Now everything we should think about is our present and future. And so for you, You should be happy that now you'll get back your Morning sleep" She says while twitching her brows at me.

I let out a chuckle about at the fact that yes I miss my morning sleep. Now that I don't need to wake up early in the morning I can sleep. Hell yeah! As we were having our conversation we saw Taehyung approaching us.

"Hey, guys! Congratulations to both of you" He says offering a handshake to us.

"Congratulations to you too" We both smile and return the handshake.

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