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I was sitting in my room after I had my dinner. Sooah texted me in the afternoon telling me that they landed in Taiwan. I was writing some web applications logics in my laptop. It was already half past nine and I'm working since past two hours.

I sighed and stretched my arms removing my specs and rubbing my eyes. I closed my laptop as I finished my work. I stood up and went in the kitchen taking a packet of chips and coke  because I was planning to watch movie for sometime.

I went back to my room and hopped on my bed turning my lights dim as I snuggled under my blanket resting my back on the headboard. I took my laptop as I started searching for a movie while enjoying my coke and chips.

As I was searching for movie I heard the noise of my room door opening. I jumped and shot up my head as I  looked at the door being terrified.
I widen my eyes looking at the person. Shit! How can I forget Tae was coming over here tonight!

He knows my door pass code so he always enters whenever he wants, without knocking or ringing the bell. I looked at him and gulped as he walked towards me with blank expression.

I looked at him and nervously smiled as he did the same. I maybe a bossy girl but whenever me and Tae are alone I'm anxious as hell! Because obviously he never let go the chance when we are alone. And about what happened yesterday then I'm sure he's not here for any kind of good intention.

He hopped on my bed beside me getting himself comfortable under the blanket.
He looked at me raising his eyebrows.
"What are you doing?" He asked calmly.

"Uh...I was just searching for a movie to watch." I stated looking at him.

He nodded his head as he took the coke from my hand and placed it on the side table, same for the packet of chips. He looked at me tilting his head. I looked back at my laptop ignoring him as I continued to search for a movie. But Duh! just tell me how can I now focus on movie when he's here with me?

As I was looking at my laptop, my breath hitched when Tae placed his hand on my lap under the blanket caressing it. He knows that, by touching my thighs completely arouses me and he purposely does that to me.

He kept his soft hand going up and down until my inner thigh. I bite my lower lip and looked at him as he was already looking at me. "Now, I dare you to pinch me again." He whispered as he leaned closer.

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