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We were having our lunch in the dining room. No one was uttering a single word and kept eating their food silently. I kept glancing at Jungkook time to time who was sitting across me, I can't help but look at him because of the incident that happened a while ago.

I looked up again at him, but this time his eyes were on me, I immediately looked down avoiding his eyes. I cursed myself for looking at him biting my lip. I continued eating my food but I can still feel his gaze on me which made me uneasy at my place and I can tell he has that stupid smirk plastered on his face which made me urge to punch on his face.

I sighed ignoring him and tried finished my lunch as fast as possible. As I was hurriedly eating my food just to get out from this situation. Jimin looked at me touching my shoulder. "Hey Hey, what's up? slow down. Why are you in hurry?" He asked looking at me.

I looked at him with my mouth full of food. While he just chuckled looking at me. I bite and swallowed my food. "Uh..nothing..maybe I-I w-want to rest? Y-Yeah that's why." I stated laughing nervously.

"I see, You surely love to sleep don't you? Sooah." Jungkook asked looking at me raising an eyebrow as his lips curl into playful smile.

I don't know but why am I thinking that he means something else by this. That there is something different meaning behind this sentence. The way he's looking and the way he's talking makes this sentence sound weird.
"Yes, I love to." I said nonchalantly while ignoring his gaze rolling my eyes on him and continuing with my lunch.

"Oh yeah, Sooah, we're clubbing tonight so you better be ready." Jimin said pointing his index finger towards me. I knitted my eyebrows as
I muttered 'we'. "We, as in everybody. Me, you Kook and...." He looked at nari who already was looking at him. He sighed and looked back at me. "And Nari." He said in uninterested tone.

I nodded and agreed with him. Though I didn't wanted to go as I was not in the mood, but I can't deny and disappoint him so that's why I gave in.

I finished my lunch as I walked to my room yawning. I went inside and hopped on my bed.
I tried to sleep but my sweats were really irritating me. I sighed as I stood up and went to my closet and took out my pajama shorts as I put them on and walked back towards bed. I looked at the clock and it was two in the noon.

As the sleep was taking over me slowly. Someone knocked my room door making me groan in irritation. I stood up and glared at the door gritting my teeth. I walked towards the door and opened it only to see Jungkook standing outside with his messy hairs wearing his pair of nike shorts and black tshirt.

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