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People fall in love in mysterious and unexpected ways.

They find love in a place that was unexpected to them. They fall in love with a person that was unexpected. Two people most unexpected to fall in love can fall in love. Because love has it ways.

Such was the story of two soulmates. Living in two different places of the world, having different life styles. It started as friends, but ended as lovers.

He lived in London. She lived in Paris.

He was the sky. She was the ground.

He was the water. She was the fire.

He was the sun. She was the moon.

He was a beam of sunlight. She was a ray of moonlight.

In the end, they were one, despite their differences. Because Love has it ways. But it was more than love, stronger than love. It was a bond, a connection which held them to each other. They gave each other a reason to live. They kept each other alive.

The story which follows them is a complex one. It had ups and downs, disappointments and happiness, tears and smiles. It is a rollercoaster of emotions. Of tears and heartbreak, frustation and anger, confusion and denial, smiles and laughs, happiness and love.

It was unexpected but not uncalled for. They were meant to be and even the deepest love stories take time. They sorted their confusions, their mixed feelings and the little part of their brain which said: You love each other.

Lily Jasmine Evans and James Fleamont Potter were closely linked together. Their fates were entwined. In a normal love story, girle loves boy and boy loves girl, they get married and live happily ever after. No, their love story was something else, something deeper, something stronger. They lived for each other. Because love has it ways.

A/N: I know it's short, I know..but it's deep, dude. Deep. It was prologue, get ready for the next chapter! Don't be a silent reader, please comment. Take care and stay safe.


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