《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #35》

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14th November 1976, St. Mungo's, London

"Oh fuck, I'm lactophobic now," a very conscious and grumbling Katherine Madison-Williams grunted, sitting up and narrowing her eyes at her friends.

"Motherfuckers, you seriously thought I was gonna die? It's not that easy to get rid of me." A smirk lit up on Kate's face as she pushed on her glasses, as her contacts were not here with her.

"True Gryffindor there," smiled Sirius, kissing her forehead.

Alice stifled her sobs and threw her arms around Kate, squeezing the shit out of the metamorphgmagus. Kate didn't pull back, but wrapped her arms around Alice's petite body and patted her hair. Emmeline wrapped her arms around both of them.

"Don't you ever pull that sort of stunt again," whispered Dorcas, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. James wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Dorcas Nyssa Meadowes," said Sirius slowly, "are you actually crying?"

"Oh shut up," muttered Dorcas, shoving him playfully.

"What an iconic sight," noted Kate. "The only and only Katherine Ivanna Madison-Williams made the Dorcas Nyssa Meadowes cry. I'm just so amazing, ain't I?"

"Very much," whispered Isadora, ruffling Kate's ebony hair. An unexpected shiver went through Kate at this, but she hid it well. Nevertheless, Emmeline noticed it--she was chaser after all--and smiled softly.

"Stop trying to make me cry," said James, shaking his head.

"Oh well, it'd be nice," smirked Kate. "It's been a while since you cried. When was the last time, by the way?"

"He was four and Mia had suffered from a contagious cold," informed Sirius. "She wasn't allowed to go near him and Prongsie missed her and on the fifth day, he started crying."

"Really?" Isadora looked amused. "I didn't know that!"

"Because you caught up with him when you guys were seven," snorted Sirius.

"You try living in your room without your mother for five days," muttered James.

"I lived without her for more than half of my life." Sirius shrugged.

"Shut up now," sighed Kate, rolling her eyes. "Can we go back to Hogwarts? I'm sick of all the shiny white stuff here. Merlin's sake, at least some black things should be here!"

"That is what you are worried about?" Dorcas's jaw dropped.

Oh well, looks like our lovely lesbian metamorphmagus is back and, if Isadora gets her balls, will soon be with the love of her life.


18th November 1976, Beauxbatons, France


You'll never believe what happened! KATE IS OUT OF COMA!!!! Oh Gods, we're so fucking happy right now!!

Motherfuckers, I ain't gonna die so soon ~Kate

We sincerely hope not ~Alice

Ignore them. Birds are weird ~Sirius

BIRDS are. Girls are NOT ~Dorcas

Anyway, hope you are fine and amazing. Take care and stay safe!!

Loads of love,
Emmeline, Dorcas, Kate, Alice, Isadora, James and Sirius

"This is one of the most ridiculous letters ever," laughed Marlene.

"We love it though," smiled Frank.

The day was cold and the grounds empty. The trees were slowly being freed of their golden and red autumn leaves and the sunlight rarely came into view now. At it seemed, Clarence the Swan was very unhappy about the waters of the lake. The gamekeeper, Camille Jacques, could be seen heating up the lake. The tree nymphs were grumbling about cold weather and less sunlight.

The deeply cloven valley, though, looked even more beautiful now. The waterfall fell into the river between the valley, from where it passed through the Pyrenees and then along the rest of France. The cliff was now an even more wonderful place. All you have to do is spread your blankets, assign a tent from the activities director and camp around there. Beauxbatons was an amazing place.

The sun was sinking near the horizon, painting the sky in a million different shades of pale pink, soft orange, fiery red and dark blue. The calm waters of the sea were the same jumble of colours until the sun dipped below and the blanket of night wrapped itself around Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.


20th November 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

Katherine was back and so were a million other things.

After she had seen Noah's play, she had decided to let him play and had dropped off the team. She said that it was a generous act but her friends knew better. Madam Pomfrey had told them that ever since Kate came out of coma, or endless void, she would probably avoid large and open areas.

Alice's smiles were back and so were Isadora's laughs. The Ancient Runes Club or TARC was back on and one of Hogwarts's most dedicated students was back, perhaps slightly different, but back nonetheless.

Talking about the TARC, they were sitting in the library, poring over old books about runes. Faded covers, the musky scent of parchment and the burning of the oil lamps gave the place a vintage sort of look. On one side of the table, Isadora and Katherine had their heads bent over a book, murmuring in low voices about the inscriptions.

"It's Greek, I'm telling you," muttered Kate.

"It's Latin," argued Isadora.

"Anthros is Greek for mankind," said Kate.

"Oh right..," muttered Isadora, blushing.

A little way away from them, Emmeline and Maddison Vance raised their eyebrows together. Emmeline's hand stopped working on the Moon Runes as she focused on the two Gryffindors in front of them.

"They look awfully cozy, don't you think so sis?" smiled Maddy.

"Focus," was all Emmeline mumbled, shaking her head with an amused smile as she shoved Maddy playfully.

What she originally meant to say was 'I ship'. Maybe Kadora would happen soon enough. Maybe not. Remember that none of us know that future. We only hope and guess. So I suggest you readers to grab your cups hot chocolate and your preffered snacks and enjoy this tale.

A/N: lmao, that description of winter at Beauxbatons took me 300 words! I do write with loads of description, you have to admit. Hope you liked the chapter. As for why I knew that "Anthros" was Greek for mankind, you'll surely learn enough Greek and Latin from Norman Lewis's vocabulary strengthening books to last you a life time. Take care and stay safe.


P. S: I've decided that if this books gets 4k views by the end of July, I'll post the Marauders as Demigods book. Title reveal: Caelum Mihi|Marauders as Demigods.

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