《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #26》

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23rd September 1976, Hogwarts (earlier that day)

Isadora entered an abandoned classroom, in hopes of finding it empty, but, instead, she saw Dorcas Meadowes leaning against a wall, smoking.

"Dory?" Dorcas raised her eyebrows at her.

"I wonder why you and Sirius are the only Marauders who smoke," Isadora said as she stared at the small, smoky black clouds in the air.

Dorcas shrugged and said, "James doesn't because he thinks that 'to maintain a bad boy/girl personality, you don't need to smoke and I'd rather live longer, thanks' and Mellie because..she's Mellie. Smart, beautiful, cute Mellie who doesn't need to smoke to show how bad she can be."

"Does it feel good? Being a bisexual, I mean," Isadora said quitely.

"It will feel fantastic, if you have the right partner," Dorcas answered easily.

"And Em is that for you?" Isadora tilted her head.

"Yes, and I know why are you asking this," Dorcas said, smiling grimly.

"Merlin," Isadora gasped. "Does everyone know me?! I thought I was mysterious!"

Dorcas snorted and said, "Honey, next time you wanna be mysterious, try not to stare like a lost puppy at Kate, yeah? It may help."

"Ha ha ha," Isadora laughed sarcastically.

"Duh." Dorcas rolled her eyes. "I'm not deep like Mellie, nor as gentle and mysterious like James, but I'll say one thing, Dory, it's a bi to bi thing: Ever since you started to like James, it sort of...broke her. She likes you too, you know. There's always going to be a knot in your relationship, a knot which cannot be smoothed. I've said this millions of times and I'll repeat this again: Kate can either be someone's best friend, or worst enemy. And knots between her relationships can't be smoothed easily."

"She likes me too?" Isadora blinked, shocked.

"Honestly," Dorcas said, "you guys are even more oblivious than Jily, or Blackinnon. She's liked you since third year, and you go around screaming your love for James. What do you expect from her?"

"I honestly don't know," Isadora sighed in frustation.

"Then figure out," Dorcas told her and walked outside, leaving smoke in the air.


24th September 1976, London

Euphemia Potter frowned as she heard a tapping at her window, during midnight.

"What's that?" Fleamont asked groggily as he sat up on his chair. Euphemia narrowed her eyes at him and said:

"You slept while reading that book. I told you to sleep!"

Ignoring her, and rolling his eyes, Fleamont opened the window, and a owl entered. He extracted the letter and read aloud:

Dear Mr and Mrs Potter,

I'm Daniel Williams. Your son, James Potter, is a friend of my daughter, Katherine Madison-Williams. She has been injured severely in a car accident. As a muggle, I don't know how to connect to Hogwarts, kindly send the letter to all of her friends as soon as possible.

Daniel Williams

"Mia," Fleamont said quickly, "write a letter, fast!"


24th September 1976, Beauxbatons

"You know, I think Sirius is hotter than Okerley," Frank said to Marlene, and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Since when were you bi or gay?" She raised her eyebrows curiously. His whole face burned red and he spluttered and said:

"I am not. That's exactly what..um..Mary was saying yesterday!" Frank had signed his own death warrant with this.

"Isn't Mare dating Remus?" Marlene said, becoming even more confused by every passing second.

"That doesn't mean that she can't notice other boys," Frank said. Shut up you bastard, shut UP! his brain screeched.

"Odd, Mary's the loyal, dedicated type," Marlene commented.

"Don't do this, Marls," Frank said suddenly, and very softly. He gently held Marlene's arm and turned her around to face him, then placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's unfair. To Sirius, to you and to Okerley. Have you ever considered that Sirius may like you too? He's insecure, Marls. We all know that. He doesn't let everyone come close to him. Don't."

With those bitter but true words, he was gone. The last thing Marlene heard from him before leaving were the words:

"Love is not simple, but it can be made simple."

Why can't it happen? After all, if two people most unexpected to fall in love can fall in love, why can't love be made simple? The word impossible itself says: I'm possible.


"Shh, it's fine. She'll be okay," Dorcas muttered to Emmeline, who was shaking and sobbing as they sat in the common room, with the letter from Mr. Potter in front of them.

"Hand me a cigarette," Sirius mumbled. James glared at him and said:

"Padfoot, you smoking will not stop her bleeding. Not everything needs a cigarette!"

Sirius sighed in frustation and restlessness. He stood up and started to pace around the room, muttering inaudible words but James was sire of one thing: He was muttering prayers, in French. English, you see, wasn't exactly Sirius's first language. He was more attracted to French, seeing as The Blacks were of French origin.

Isadora was not there. Instead, she was on the astronomy tower, crying hard. She sunk to the ground, pulling her knees to her chest and buried her face there.

"She'll be okay, she'll be okay!" Isadora muttered to herself, trying to steady her breathing, which came in short gasps.

And if she dies? A doubtful corner of her mind whispered darkly.

"She won't," Isadora cried, clutching her hair and pulling at it.

Or maybe worse than death..


Tick. Tock.

Kate's cold, shaking hand twitched slightly.

Tick. Tock.

She took a deep, shaky breath.

Tick. Tock.

Silently, she felt some odd sensation in her head.

Tick. Tock.

It felt like she was being sucked into a void. A deep, dark and endless void.

Tick. Tock.

She had heard about lives flashing across their eyes: but not like this.

Tick. Tock.

She was two and her dad was dragging her and Judith inside his private jet.

Tick. Tock.

She was five and was holding her mother's hand, who took her last breaths.

Tick. Tock.

She was eight, and was laughing with Judith.

Tick. Tock.

She was eleven and was going to Hogwarts.

Tick. Tock.

She was fourteen and was accepeting that she loved Isadora.

Tick. Tock.

"I love you Dory," Kate whispered as she fell into everlasting darkness. Right into the deep, dark and endless void.

A/N: *sniffles* *sobs* Take care and stay safe.


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