《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #36》

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22nd November 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

Alice watched as Isadora sneaked glances at Katherine. Smirking, she bent her head over her book and occasionally looked up only to see Isadora blushing when Kate's hand brushed against hers.

"Talk about sexual tension," muttered Dorcas, rolling her eyes. Emmeline smiled briefly as she looked up from her essay.

"What are Lionfish Spines again?" asked Kate, pulling at her golden brown hair.

"Lionfish Spines are hairs of a lionfish, a species of marine animals found near the southern coast of Africa," answered Emmeline, scribbling her Charms essay.

"Mhm, thanks," said Kate, smiling gratefully. "Ridiculous!" she exclaimed after a while, making everyone look at her. Madam Irma Pince shooted them a dangerous glare as she wiped dust of a nine thousand pound something sort of book.

"What's ridiculous?" asked Isadora, confused.

"I thought that I had one essay left, but there's Care of Magical Creatures too!" groaned Kate.

"Woah there, ask Peter. The boy's a whiz at that subject," said Dorcas, jerking her head towards tiny Peter Pettigrew, who was following James Potter around the library. In case you were wondering why James is here, I would like to tell you that he was torturing--I mean tutouring some third years.

That was torture in a way though. James was very fast at Transfiguration. He was teaching them like: "Hey, how are you? Actually, don't worry about that. Right, so this is a very useful trick for Minnie's class, I'm telling you. Alright, swing that arm, roll your wrist, and that's it!" The third years only gaped at the teacup in front of James, which was previously a piece of parchment.

"What does he think he's doing?" hissed Kate. Alice couldn't help but snort at this.

"Probably making the poor kids cry," sighed Isadora, rolling her eyes.

"He's a sweetheart though." This was a completely new voice, accented too. A tall, tanned girl came up to them. She had large coal-black eyes and dark caramel brown hair: Skylar Mason. Ravenclaw sixth year and one of the most proud lesbians at Hogwarts.

To their absolute surprise, Skylar bent down and kissed Kate's cheek.

No, no, no, thought Isadora fearfully.

"Er.." Emmeline's unfinished question hung in the air.

Kate punctuated the silence with a "Sorry, didn't tell you sooner. I'm dating Sky!" The said girl smiled happily.

"Congratulations!" exclaimed Dorcas, sounding not at all happy with this. She gave Isadora a look.

"Really? Wow," said Alice, always the nice one. I still prefer Kadora, she thought privately.

"You both look wonderful," said Isadora, forcing a smile on her pretty face.

Needless to say, her sentence was not credible at all. If anything, it only made the layer of awkwardness thicken around them. Talk about sexual tension!


23rd November 1976, Beauxbatons, France

Marlene frowned as she heard her boyfriend's voice coming from an empty classroom. She turned and faced the door, standing alone in the empty corridor.

"I swear I'll tell her soon!" Kyle Okerley's voice said.

"And when is soon?" asked the voice of a girl.

Frowning, Marlene pushed the door open, propping her book bag further up her shoulder and stopped short, eyes wide.

Kyle was kissing some Ombrelune bitch, whoever she was. The bastard was fucking cheating on her!

"Marls!" exclaimed Kyle, pushing the girl away. "I can explain!"

"There's nothing to explain!" said Marlene shrilly. She bent her knee and brought it up to Kyle's..er..private parts.

"OW!" he cringed, kneeling down on the floor.

"Bastard," muttered Marlene as she left the classroom. Truth be told, she didn't mind him cheating on her. After all, she didn't like him much anyway. She still loved Sirius and she always would. The thing was that she hated men who cheated on their partners. Like, for fuck's sake, be with one girl/boy!

"Heavens!" Marlene gasped as she collided with someone. Lily's voice cursed.

"Marls, where the fuck was your brain?" Lily said with an eye roll as she picked up the file she was holding.

"I don't know and what's that?" asked Marlene eagerly, pointing to the file.

"Mhm, script for a new play." Lily shrugged.

"Actors?" asked Marlene as they started to walk towards the auditorium.

"Mary and Remus," smiled Lily as she handed Marlene the script which read:

Play Name:
The Fallen Leaf

Clara has suffered from cancer from a long time. Her doctor said that she could only live till the end of autumn, so Clara started to count the leaves of the tree near her bedroom window. On one day, while her fiancé Mike sat beside her, the last leaf fell and Clara died. The epilogue must how Mike, ten years later, standing beide Clara's grave in autumn and his only words should be "The Last Leaf has fallen again."

"What the fuck?" Marlene guffawed.

"Jennifer and Lydia wrote it," defended Lily.

"But what's the point of the play?" Marlene shook her head.

"This is drama, there's no logic here. Just go along with the flow," quoted Lily.


24th November 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

It wasn't like Skylar was bad, Kate told herself as she studied some Latin runes carefully. It's just that she still loved Isadora. But knowing that the latter only thought of her as a friend, Kate had decided to move on. She couldn't mope around, waiting for Isadora along, right? She had a life too, for Merlin's sake!

"I think this means Light Over Darkness," said Skylar from beside her.

"Huh-right," muttered Kate, slightly distracted as she turned her head to kiss Skylar lightly, making the other girl smile happily.

"Oh right, I've got to serve a detention," groaned Skylar.

"It's okay," smiled Kate. "I'll be at dinner. See ya."

Skylar beamed at her and kissed her cheek before going off to her detention. Kate stared after her, loathing herself for playing with a girl like Skylar.

A/N: Talk about sexual tension! I feel like I ship DO NOT SHIP KAYLAR! I mean, Skylar ain't completely bad and Kate has a life too. She can't wait around for Isadora, so its perfectly correct of her to date someone else. I see no mistakes here. But of course ots slowburn sooo...yeah, drama. I'm Aurora Drama Potter. Take care and stay safe.


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