《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #42》

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23rd December 1976, Evans Residence, Paris

It's been a ridiculous ride, right? Who ever thought that we would come to end so quickly! Time surely flies by. I remember starting this tale on a beautiful rainy evening at my humble abode. I remember the notes scattered in front of me. I remember the rain falling on the windows. But, most of all, I remember the smile on my face as you readers started to read this. I remember each and every threat I got. And I want to thank you. For everything. If there is a reason why this tale has came to an end, its because of you.

Brielle and Lily Evans sat in their kitchen, laughing and throwing dough at each other, then giggling as Brielle vanished it with her wand. Both of their hands were wrapped in sugar, dough and sprinkles. Rose Evans shook her head at their childish behaviour as she washed cherries, blueberries and strawberries. Liam Evans only watched his family with a smile on his face.

Christmas has that effect on people, don't you agree? Happiness blooms in everyone's hearts. Even the most introverted people have to come out of their shell for this festival! It comes once a year, but gives people enough happiness to last for another whole year until it visits again. The falling snow, the warm fires, the laughing families and giggling children, Christmas radiates happiness.

Brielle took out the baked Christmas cookies and kept them on the table. The Evanses occasionally took one and then went back to decorating the huge Christmas tree in their living room. So far, Brielle had charmed it to light up in the dark. The beautiful hand made stars, thanks to Rose, were hanging from every branch. Satin red ribbons were wrapped around the tree and at its feet were several gifts.

"Oh well, let's go have dinner!" Rose said cheerfully as they stepped back from the gorgeous tree and admired it.

"Christmas, lovely Christmas," Lily hummed as she set the table. The song was Lovely Christmas by Giselle Zephlyn, a popular French witch singer.

Long story short, it was beautiful evening in the Evans household.


24th December 1976, Potter Manor, London

"IT'S CHRISTMAS, YO! GRANDMA GOT HIT BY THE REINDEER, YO! ARE YOU STILL THEIR GRANNY, HELLO? IT'S CHRISTMAS, YO! GET IN THE SPIRIT, YO! HEY HEY HEY WAKE UP AND SHINE! IT'S CHRISTMAS, YO!" Sirius shouted at full volume, dancing atop the dining table as his half-asleep friends and parents came out of their rooms.

"What the fuck?" said a very colorfully dressed Dorcas Meadowes. Her pajamas were neon green and her shirt was dark purple, accompanied by a neon orange dress robe.

"Dam, I thought Grandma Urusula was here!" Regulus said with a shudder as he looked down at his dark dress pants and dark blue shirt.

"What happened to him?" Kate demanded. "He isn't even conscious before ten!"

"Some sort of miracle," answered James, the only one who looked well awake. He was wearing his jogging pants and a dark green t-shirt, he must have been getting ready for his morning exercises.

"Please, IT'S CHRISTMAS PEOPLE!" Sirius shouted.

"Yeah, I understood that," Euphemia sighed.

"No problems," Fleamont chuckled. "Let's get ready for the presents!"

"Evening," said Dorea firmly.

The rest of the day passed in a haze. James and Mrs Potter, being the amazing cooks they were, made many cookies and cakes. The funniest moment was when Euphemia coated her son, from head-to-toe, in flour and sprinkles. Sirius even adjusted some cherries in James's hair for 'realistic effect', as he so wisely stated. In response, James flicked strawberries towards him.

At evening, everyone gathered in the enormous living room of the Potter Manor. The Meadowes, the Vances and the Prewetts were invited too. Charlus, Fleamont and Tiffany Meadowes sat at the kitchen table, laughing and remembering the old days when their parents, Harold and Esmeralda Potter, were alive and well. Kristy Vance and Lelani Prewett were talking about the Ministry of Magic while Timothee Vance and Joshua Meadowes talked about quidditch.

"Oi, Iz, where's my present?" James raised his eyebrows at Isadora once he realised that she had not got him gift.

"Tomorrow," said Isadora with a mischievous light in her blue grey eyes. James grumbled something and went back to playing chess with Emmeline.


25th December 1976, Evans Residence, Paris

"Yeah, yeah, I know--Xavier?" Lily stopped talking to Brielle as her eyes fell on a familiar boy, her boyfriend, in fact.

"Xavier who?" Brielle asked. "My name's still Brielle, you know?"

"Ob-fucking-viously I know," Lily said with a roll of her eyes. "That guy standing there with the old lady? He's my boyfriend."

"What about Mr. Londoner?" Brielle frowned. But Lily was walking down the stairs and she stepped out in the lawn.

"Xavier?" she called out.

The old lady and Xavier turned, the latter with a surprised look on his face. He said, "Lily? That's your house?"

"Yeah." Lily tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Your grandmother?"

The old lady smiled kindly. "Yes dear. I'm Diana Smith. Xavier was just escorting me to my friend, who lives around here. You can have him for the Christmas dinner, though."

"Of course. I'd love that!" Lily lied.


"Iz, what--?" James said as Isadora dragged him into the garden.

"Just hold my arm, alright?" she said calmly. James frowned but as he was told. And Isadora spun. Both of them opened their eyes to find themselves in a street full of cheerful looking houses and tall trees.

"We're in--?" James gasped as he saw the nameplate of one of the houses, Evans Residence.

"Paris, yes." Isadora nodded. "Listen James, you love Lily and she does the same. Please, please, tell her what you feel for her today. Consider this as my Christmas gift for you and Lily."

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" James grinned at her. Isadora laughed and hugged him.

"Too many times." She spun and disappeared, while James took a deep breath and, just as he was going to walk up to the front door, it opened.

Lily was holding hands with a good-looking guy who looked about sixteen. He had blonde hair and dark brown eyes and was smiling broadly with her. James's fears were confirmed when he leaned down to kiss Lily and she kissed him back.

And so, James ran. Far from The French Redhead who did not love him back. The snow crunched under his feet as he raced towards the Potter Manor on the outskirts of the city, with one thought in his mind:

If she doesn't love me back, why should I pine over her?

To be continued.....

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