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4th October 1976, Hogwarts

You may be wondering, where is Alice Prewett? Why hasn't she visted Kate? Well, tell me, how would you feel if you clutched your brother's cold, limp hand all day long and sobbed while he lay still in coma?

Alice couldn't bear to look at Kate, in that same position as her brother, Nick Prewett. It was painful. She asked everything about Kate's health, but her past expreience refrained her from actually visting her.

Now, Alice sat beside Emmeline, working on a scarf with her adroit hands. The scarf was midnight blue and golden, which made her remember how Kate had looked the first time they had met. She had pixie cut midnight blue hair and golden, like really golden eyes.

"I miss her, so much." Emmeline's voice was small and heavy, marking that she had probably not slept for a long time.

"It's like she'll burst through the door any moment and go on explaining why James is a total bastard," Alice said with a fond, but shaky chuckle. Emmeline laughed through her haze of tears.

"Crying will not help."

Alice looked over to Dorcas, who had just came out of the bathroom, wearing comfortable pajamas and her hair was dripping water on the floor.

"People come out of my coma. Nick did," Dorcas continued, her voice firm and confident. She was a true Gryffindor during these situations. They had never seen Dorcas Nyssa Meadowes cry.

"I hope so," Emmeline said, wiping her tears and Dorcas kissed her forehead lovingly.

"When the darkness starts to descend
Bring out the candle called hope
Ward off despair
And let the heart mend."

Both of them looked over to Alice, who was staring at the window with a far away look, as though chanting from some old memory.

"Some day darkness will fall
And hope will win
To be in despair is a sin
Some day darkness will fall
And hope will win."

"True," Dorcas whispered with a nod.

"Hope is the weapon against despair
We can't be attracted to darkness's lair
Darkness will fall
Hope will win
Being in despair is a sin."


5th October 1976, Beauxbatons

"You know, Bree, I remember how you were when Mom and I stumbled upon you and Miachel."

Brielle's cheeks turned rather pink and Narcissa sniggered beside her. Lily smirked.

"You were exactly like this: 'h-hey Mom. This is a boy. I mean, he is a good boy. No, fuck what am I doing? This boy is Miachel McKinnon, and..er..we are dating.'"

"Seriously?" Narcissa laughed at Brielle's red face and Lily's smug look.

"I was fucking fifteen for Circe's sake," Brielle said in her defence.

"And he was sixteen. Marcus was seveteen, am I right?" Lily said.

"Very," Narcissa told her.

At that moment, interupption came in the form of Marlene McKinnon, who was clutching a letter and, if Lily was not wrong, was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"We have to talk, quick," Marlene said, dragging Lily out of the library.

"What--?" Lily was interrupted when Marlene shoved the letter straight into her face.

Dear Remus, Frank, Lily, Marlene and Mary,

Some days ago, Kate had a bad car accident which has resulted in her being in coma. I don't think I can write anymore. We're all praying for her.


"Oh my." Lily's hand flew to her mouth in horror.

"Remus and Mary know. Frank does not. Alice's probably had seven panic attacks by now." Needless to say, Marlene's attemp at humour turned out to be highly unsuccessful.


6th October 1976, Hogwarts

"Are you replacing Katherine, captain?" Beater Hestia Jones asked James.

"For the time being, yes," James said with a sigh. The seeker, Landon Hale, raised his eyebrows.

"But, captain," he started, "Katherine didn't really leave a recommendation to replace her."

"Oh she did," Emmeline assured him. "She told us about three people: fifth year Valentine Lynn, fourth year Noah Rafferty or fifth year Mike Johnson. And now we've to test them out."

The keeper, Zainab Thompson, nodded in approval to Kate's choices.

"Right, so I took the trials," James said, shooting apologetic looks at Emmeline and Sirius.

"And?" Sirius asked eagerly.

"Noah Rafferty. The boy's damn good at this stuff," James said with a proud smile.

"Right, sorry for being late people!"

The team turned to see him walking towards them. Blonde hair, amethyst eyes, Gryffindor robes.

"Awee! That's my boyfriend!" Helena McCarthy shouted gleefully from the stands. For some odd reason, Maddison Vance smirked and Ava Bell looked almost jealous.

"Right, what held you back?" Emmeline asked with genuine curiousty. As Noah was one of Maddy's best friends, he was like the younger brother she never had.

"The Rowle twins. Livia gave me detention because I 'illegally' sneaked butterbeer." Noah shrugged casually.

"Hey, she's nice!" Landon Hale said, offended.

"Obviously," Noah said.

"Get ready team!" James called.

"And here we go people," Zainab groaned.

As it turned out, no one wanted practice on that particular day. Zainab, after a break up with her long term boyfriend, was in a sulky mood. Emmeline, obviously, hadn't slept nicely. Landon seemed too busy thinking of Livia Rowle and Hestia was shooting tired looks at her girlfriend, Nora Fawcett. Only James, Sirius and Noah seemed fit enough to fly.

"Wankers!" James shouted. "Do you realise that the first match is on the sixth of November? Slytherin's strong this year, Hufflepuffs are not so threatning, but Warrington, Davies and Chang make the Ravenclaw team downright scary!"

"No," Sirius said. "Warrington and Chang aren't getting on well, thanks to you. Both have a crush on you. And Davies's ex-girlfriend kneed him because he cheated on her. Bloke can't walk and Pomfrey's adviced him to avoid qudditch, till December at least."

"This is bloody fantastic!" Emmeline grinned.

"Okay, my looks are useful in quidditch too," James said with a very smug smile, making everyone roll their eyes. "BACK TO PRACTICE, IDIOTS!"

A/N: That song of Alice is actually made by me when my dad was going through a surgery (I was eleven and he's completely fine now). I also like the name Hope because Aragorn from LOTR had his name as Estel for a long time. That means hope in Elvish language. And, TFR's last chapter is completed. I'll just keep updating this book while I work on the sequel. Take care and stay safe.


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