《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #34》

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10th November 1976, Beauxbatons

Lily Evans frowned as words started to appear on her parchment.


She looked up and her confused emerald eyes locked with Frank Longbottom's cheerful chestnut ones. Lily raised a questioning eyebrow and Frank jerked his head towards Remus while scribbling notes. Lily looked at Remus and she may have choked on air. Lydia Rowle, her partner in Charms, gave her an odd look.

Kyle Okerley's brother, Samuel Okerley, was scooting closer towards a very uncomfortable Remus. Lily could swear that Mary, who was sitting a few rows behind them, nearly had a stroke when Okerley put his hand on Remus's arm.

"Professor!" Remus squeaked suddenly and stood up. "I am not feeling exactly perfect. I'll just visit Madam Belleza." With that, he was off, shuddering.

"What the hell was that?" muttered Lydia, confused.

"I don't know and I don't want to know," Lily told her.

After the class, they immediately found Remus near the Adhara Cottage, looking as though he just had a fit.

"I have two questions," said Frank as he sat beside Remus. "How the fuck and why the fuck?"

"I personally don't give a fuck," replied Remus.

"As you should," said Mary, still looking as though she was ready to bury her nails in Okerley's throat."

"Alrights, we've to go to lunch," announced Marlene. They ambled back to the Palace, joking and laughing along the way as the day turned colder and colder. The Palace was busy as always and nymphs were hurrying about, serving food while assitant fairies floated above. Kiara gave Lily a shy look as she pointed towards another fairy, silently asking permission. Lily laughed and nodded.

After all, even fairies could date.


11th November 1976, Hogwarts

Dear Dory,

Things are not good at home. Mom and Dad have been fighting a lot and I'm worried. I think I heard Mom demanding a divorce from Dad last night. It's nearly impossible to stay at home with the shouts and screams. I mostly stay with Andrea and Will now-a-days. Please send me the date of the next Hogsmead visit soon. I love you and miss you loads. Take care and give my regards to your friends.


P. S. How is Kate?

Isadora read over the letter again, staring at the word 'divorce' in horror. No no no, this isn't happening! she thought wildly. Isadora stood up abruptly, making Grace Dunbar give her a concerned look which she ignored.

Isadora sighed as she wandered around the castle. It was November and was raining heavily. The windows were sprinkled with thick raindrops and the sky was black. Thunder rumbled above, making her shiver. Without sunlight, the castle was eerie and quite, not to mention cold.

She opened the door to am empty classroom and entered. To her surprise, she found a mirror sitting there. Was this some sort of dressing room? Isadora thought, then chuckled at her stupidity.

I might as well look like shit, but let's take a look, she thought and stepped towards the mirror. Then she stopped and her hand flew to her mouth as she staggered back.


Conscious, laughing, wonderful Kate. With Isadora. They were near the lake and Kate's arms were wrapped around a beaming Isadora. They were happy, they were dating.

Isadora stared at the mirror in shock and spun around, expecting to see Kate but there was no one. An abandoned classroom, a shocked girl and a magical mirror. Nothing else except the rain outside.

Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.

"Some ancient language," muttered Isadora, frowning. "Erised..stra..wait." Isadora stopped and murmured, "I show no tyo urfac ebu tyo urhe arts desire."

I show not your face, but your heart's desire, thought Isadora. Whoever made this must be clever. But then, it struck her. I want to..date Kate?

"In a way though," she whispered softly, "this ain't surprising."


12th November 1976, Beauxbatons

"And Paxton passes the fucking quaffle to O'Tranquila who FUCKING SCORES." Remus's commentating mostly consisted of swear words and curses, while Professor Blanc calmly sipped tea beside him, not at all concerned with with swearing: the Dreamers were her favourite students.

"FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE LIMPIA, CATCH THE FUCKING THING ONCE, WILL YOU?" shouted Remus, frustated. Lavinia Limpia gave him a rude hand gesture.

"AND FUCKING HELL, SMITHSON HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH. OMBRELUNE WINS AND THE MOTHERFUCKING SCORE IS 210-180." Remus stood up from the commentator's chair and made a big show of dramatically shoving the Pappilionlisse banner in the fireplace. Professor Blanc approved of the melodrama.

When Remus caught up with his friends, he saw that Lily and Mary were still shaking from silent laughter while Frank and Marlene were openly snickering.

"That," said Frank, "was awe-fucking-some."

"Language," chided Mary with a smile.


13th November 1976, Hogwarts

"I swear he ran into that wall!" Sirius laughed, pointing at James. "Her skirt was pretty short, I admit, but oh my Merlin he ran into that wall!"

Emmeline doubled over as giggles overtook her. Sirius, encouraged by this, continued: "Then there was this one time when she had ice-cream around her mouth and Prongs was literally swooning. And I think he might have died when she held his hand for the first time ever!"

Isadora, Alice, Emmeline and Dorcas laughed at James's very red face while he glared at Sirius.

"He's smitten," sighed Alice, ruffling James's hair affectionately. Despite himself, James leant into the friendly touch. He wasn't like Sirius, he actually loved it when someone stroked his hair lovingly.

"Aw, he's such a cutie sometimes," Emmeline cooed, smiling broadly.

"A womaniser cutie," said Isadora seriously.

"I'm still loveable!" James defended himself.

"Very much so," Dorcas assured him.

They fell into comfortable silence. Dorcas was twirling her fingers in Emmeline's hair and Sirius was throwing glass blades at Isadora. Everything was fine and calm. That was, until a very flustered Hestia Jones came running towards them.

"Professor..McGonagall," she panted, "...Kate..out of..coma!"

A/N: *beams* KATE IS FINEEEE! Or is she..? Take care and stay safe.


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