《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #29》

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10th October 1976, Hogwarts

It is often said that love stories take time. You'll be surprised to know that this story is only an epitome of the legendary tale of Lily Jasmine Evans and James Fleamont Potter.

I feel like I don't need to tell you that James is a very aesthetic person, not that he displayes it. But his attraction to art, music and sunsets prove that from time to time.

So, on this lovely Hogsmead visit, he sat on one of the mountains surrounding the little village, looking over at the sunset. To James, the sunsets and sunrises always reminded him of Lily's hair. Dark red, beautiful and soft.

The stars, too, reminded him of her eyes. Her eyes had these little flecks of pale green and forest green, which looked like stars standing out in an emerald green sky.

Ridiculous, he thought with a chuckle. How can I be so in love with someone?

It was because of Lily that he rarely dated anyone for a long time. So far, he only had seven proper relationships (which lasted for more than one week). The others were merely flings.

The seven lucky girls included Hufflepuffs Julie MacMillan and Heather Tillney, Ravenclaw Alida Ackerley, Gryffindors Integra Towler and Nicole Stone. The only reason he stayed with these girls was that they either had green eyes or red hair.

But, of course, that only made him heart-sick for Lily.

"I assume you're thinking of Evans, am I right?"

James didn't need to see who it was. Sirius's strong smell of leather, petrol and ciggarrette hit him before the grey-eyed teen sat beside him.

"How did you know?" James asked, ignoring his question. A smirk lit up on Sirius's face and he said:

"After being with you for years, I know your Thinking-About-Lily-Evans face."

"I do not have that face!" James protested.

"You totally do!" Sirius said with a maniacal grin.

"I hate you sometimes."

"Stop trying to equivocate me, Prongs."

"You are impossible!" James exclaimed.

Sirius smirked and said, "I'll take that as a compliment."


11th October 1976, Beauxbatons

"I mean, what will dress up as during Hallowe'en?" Mary asked her friends curiously.

"Definitely not as a 1800s noble woman," Marlene said with a sly smirk. Mary went completely red.

"It was anachronous," Lily sniggered.

"And incongrous," Marlene added.

"Oh shut up. Remus dared me into it!" Mary protested.

"I love him," Marlene said, dramatically placing a hand on her heart.

"Hey! Don't steal my man!" Mary said threatingly.

"Ooh, my man, eh? Someone's possesive," Lily giggled.

"I'm turning you into a teacup as soon as Transfiguration starts," Mary told her.

"Duh." Marlene rolled her eyes. "You and I both know that she's the cleverest student in the whole fucking academy. Followed by Remus and Frank. Motherfuckers."

"Language!" Mary chided.

"What are you? My Grandma?" Marlene asked her.

"She's not that old," Lily said.

"See, even Miss Brains agrees with me!" Mary exclaimed.

"Motherfucking traitor," Marlene accused playfully.


12th October 1976, Hogwarts

"Class, today we'll be doing human transfiguration. Kindly pair up with your partners."

Alice gave James a horrified look, but the bastard was grinning maniacally.

"Alright Ali," he said with a smirk, "what can I turn you into? A nice little kitten, perhaps?"

Why don't I turn you into a filthy cockroach on which I can step, thus killing you 'accidently' and feign innocence? Alice thought.

"Quick, Miss Prewett and Mister Potter!" McGonagall snapped.

Alice faced her distant cousin and blinked, wondering what she could change him into. An idea struck her and she concentrated, raised her wand, waved it and said, "Mutatio!"


James jumped back, and so did Alice as a silver statue of some crab-like thing fell at the raven-haired teen's feet. Stooping low, James carefully inspected it.

"What's this--?" Then it hit him. "You were turning me into a bloody Blast-Ended Skrewt?"

Alice's kind face lit up with a smirk. "Oh you know, ugly, oblivious, stupid, it's relatable!"

Instead of replying, James waved his wand and said, "Mutatio!"

Wait, Alice thought. When did he become a giant?

Then, it hit her and she opened her mouth to swear, but all that came out was a pathetic: "MEOWWWW!"

"Aw, such a cute kitten!" James cooed as he gingerly picked her up and stroked her chestnut brown fur. In response, Alice ran her paws over his robes.

"Ow! Fuck Ali! Calm down! Immutatio!" James exclaimed.

Alice stepped back, in full human form. She would have said something, if Sirius hadn't started squeaking madly.

In the middle of the room, a raven was attacking him furiously. Beside them, Emmeline, with bat ears, was giggling.

"MEADOWES! STOP IT!" Sirius screaming, waving his arms madly.

"MR BLACK AND MISS MEADOWES! IMMUTATIO!" McGonagall screeched like a harpy.

The raven immediately turned into a livid Dorcas Meadowes. Sirius examined the bruises on his face with a horrified look.

"No! This cannot happen! Minnie, love, tell me this can be fixed!" Sirius wailed dramatically.

"It can be, Black, if you shut your mouth and Vance helps you to the hospital wing," McGonagall snapped.

"What an eventful lesson, don't you agree?" Alice said, turning to Isadora.

"Oh believe me, being a fish sucks," Isadora said bitterly, with a shudder.


13th October 1976, London

Being in a sort of despression was common for Judith Madison-Williams. With a father who was an inveterate alcoholic and a sister who looked strong, but was broken inside, Judith spent most of her life in depression.

But she felt hollow without Kate. She missed how her hair changed depending on her mood. She missed her laugh. She missed her smile.

After all, Judith thought with a dry chuckle, Kate was the only person which made this place habitable.

But I guess not everything happens according to your wishes. I've said this too many times and please, hear this again: Acceptance is the key to moving on.

A/N: Salut babes! I hope you liked the chapter. Can't believe we're at thirty soon! Take care and stay safe.


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