《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #41》

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19th December 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

"Isadora." Mrs. Kayla Donnell nodded her head at her youngest daughter, examining her.

"Mother. Father." Isadora bowed her head politely.

"You should wear a dress. Much more like a pure-blood lady," said Mr. Frederick Donnell bluntly.

"I'm sorry, father," was Isadora's monotonous response.

The Donnells did not look like a family at all. Mrs. Donnell was tall, slim and blonde. Mr. Donnell had silvery hair and Isadora sported charming blue grey eyes and short dark brown hair. They did not look alike at all. And judging by the way Isadora was behaving, it seemed like an occasional meeting between a slave and her/his masters.

They sat in an expensive restraunt in Hogsmead. The table was laden with desserts and fine red wine. Their postures were straight and Mrs. Donnell and Isadora had their hands folded in their laps in a perfectly lady-like way.

"Anything more Sir, and Madames?" a waiter asked, bowing politely.

"No. You may leave." Mr Donnell dismissed him with a wave of his hand. And the 'family' was left alone. The level of awkwardness was just so weird here!

"Is there any particular reason as to why you wanted to talk to me?" Isadora asked, tracing the patterns of the silk table cloth with her eyes.

"Can't parents talk to their children?" said Mrs Donnell smoothly. She was always a glib talker.

"No." Isadora's eyes flashed dangerously. "You've never sent me letters while I was at Hogwarts. Cyril and Ruby look over me." Cyril was, of course, engaged to Will Simpson and lived with him and his twin, Andrea, in London. Ruby was married to Julie McDaniels and was in Edinburgh.

"Because we've been busy with work," said Mr Donnell, frowning.

"Oh?" Isadora lifted her head. "What sort of work, father? Such as working to removed half-bloods, half-breeds and muggle-borns from the wizarding world?"

"You will not talk to your parents in such way, young lady!" Mrs. Donnell warned.

"Let's get over this quickly," said Isadora, her patience wearing thin. "What do you want from me? Are we moving to Spain, as you had planned for a 'better enviorment'? Or perhaps you've came up with an egomaniacal pure-blood boy for me?"

"Neither, and you should be thankful," said Mr Donnell. "Your mom and I can't stay in this relationship anymore. We fight a lot and never had anything in common. It would be better if we went our own seperate ways and lived our own lives. As both Cyril and Ruby are either married, or are going to marry, we want to decide who you want to live with."

All color drained from Isadora's face. Her hands started to shake lightly and she forced down a small sob. She knew this was going to happen, but it still hurt.

"I am not choosing either of you!" Isadora stood up, shaking slightly. "You expect me to choose between my parents? For all I care, you can go off to your 'seperate ways' and I'll go off to my own way. I can live alone, or I have friends, unlike you. I've got Cyril on my side, and Ruby. Go to hell."

With those cruel, bitter but true words, she turned on her heel and was out of the resteraunt, running out in the cold December air. Her boots left trails on the snow, just like her parents had left a spot on her heart by having a divorce, her hair was flying in the wind, just like her parents had thrown away their relationship, and her eyes were wet, just like lotuses in rain.

If Katherine Ivanna Madison-Willliams was a rose, then Isadora Emily Donnell was a lotus. Both were beautiful, and both suffered. Katherine's thorns marked her suffering, but Isadora floated alone, with no one to support her apart from her sisters, who were like floating leaves to her.

They were two broken souls, who had rarely recieved affection. But they were also two puzzle pieces, which, when connected, could form a beautiful picture of love and hope. Because something broken can be mended too.


20th December 1976, Beauxbatons, France

The auditorium was dead silent. Students stared at the stage, waiting for the curtains to be removed. They watched in silence as the curtains were finally removed and the scene came into view.

Lily stood on the stage, wearing a long white Greek-styled dress, which was clasped at her shoulders with flat golden circles. Her long red hair was curled and twisted in a braid, with strands falling down her face. On her back, a bow and quiver were strapped. She raised her head high and turned to Xavier, who stood watching her.

"Artemis, I want thy to know that we've been friends for a long time," he started.

"Indeed," Lily said with a soft, almost realistic smile, as though she was remembering old memories.

"And I've always felt something deep for thy," Xavier continued. Lily forced a confused look onto her face. "Thee beauty has always left me in wonder. I have loved thy since the day we met. Be mine, Artemis, be mine."

Lily let out a fake gasp. "Orion! I am a maiden goddess! I have sworn never to marry, and I will not break my oath, not even for thy! Forgive me, but we have always been friends!"

"Don't do this to me, Artemis!" pleaded Xavier.

"Force not my sister to marry you!" Remus had made his epic entry as the God Apollo. "She goes her own ways and thy go thee ways!"

A chosen group of girls from Bellefeuille, Ombrelune and Pappilionlisse came on the stage, aiming their bows, daggers and swords at Xavier, who backed off.

"I'll get my revenge, Artemis and Apollo! I swear on the River Styx!" he shouted and walked back, and the curtains fell. The audience clapped wildly, some people even screaming and hooting.

On the backstage, Xavier approached Lily slowly. She was talking to Jennifer Loranzo, but the latter excused herself when she saw Xavier.

"Oh hey, the play was a hit!" Lily said, beaming.

"Right, yeah. But Lily, will you go out with me?" Xavier asked her breathlessly.

No, was Lily's first thought. Followed by why not? and James doesn't like you back!

She had barely made her decision before the answer cane tumbling out of her mouth: "Yes."

A/N: Ha! I bet none of you expected that, eh? Who ever thought that Mr. Minor Character Xavier Smith would be on the shooting end of JilyOcGang? Take care and stay safe!


P. S. Less than 5 chapters left for the ending.

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