《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #30》

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17th October 1976, London

"I'm sorry," Alice whispered to Kate softly. "Sorry for not being a Gryffindor and visiting you. Please wake up, Katie, please."

She's half-dead, the Healer had said. Coma means that a person is half-dead. It's not something we can cure with potions, or drugs, or therapies. I'm sorry.

"And what will sorry do?" Alice whispered darkly. "Will it bring her back? No. And did the muggle police find who commited this accident? No. Assholes."

Her hand squeezed Kate's cold, limp one. Now that Kate was in co--unconsicious, Alice thought, I'll think of it as unconscious. So now that Kate was unconsicious, her looks had returned to their normal way.

Her hair was short and a soft golden brown, her eyes were grey-blue and her features were sharp, but with a kind of softness in them. Kate was beautiful naturally, in a girlish type of way, but she preffered being a tomboy.

Duh. Pink is boring, Kate used to say. Bright and flashy and Merlin knows what not. Purple and black are not dark, they are not moody, they are poetic.

Oh, how Alice longed to hear that light voice again. She missed Kate, so freaking much. It was impossible to explain how very hollow their friend group was without her casual jokes, sly smirks and dangerous grins.

Keep hope, Alice's mother's voice said in her head firmly. Keep hope.

After all, all they could do was hope.


18th October 1976, Beauxbatons

Thinking was dangerous.

When you start to think too deeply, dig deeper into your memories, or you coming future, it can be dangerous as fuck. Lily swore she had been awake for only one hour, but here she was, staring at the beautiful October aurora.

She was thinking about something that had nagged her for a long time: If she still lived in London, was there any chance that she and James could have been together?

She could just imagine holding him, kissing him, knowing that he was hers. They could have movie nights together, cuddle up in her room and stare at the sky, they could have been together and happy.

"Evans?" Emile Janvier's voice said groggily.

"Go to sleep," said Lily calmly. She heard Emile's sigh and pulled her blanket to her chin, feeling grateful that it was a Sunday: no classes, no homework, just fun.

Fun, Lily mused. Fun's better when your crush is with you.


Apparently, the girls had decided to stay in their dorm for the rest of the Sunday. Marlene took a large bite of her sandwich as she turned her eyes upon Lily.

"Truth or dare?" She asked in French, for the benefit of Emile Janvier and Clara Hubert.

"Truth," answered Lily.

"If you had to date someone from Ombrelune, who would it be?" Marlene asked curiously.

"I suppose Travis O'Tranquila," Lily said.

"Hey, isn't his brother the one who spilled frog brains all over dungeon nine?" Clara made a disgusted sound at the memory.

"His brother, Clarie," Emile reminded her.

"Alright," Lily said, "Mare, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Mary answered bravely.

"Who was your first crush?" Lily asked.

"Clementine Wilfred." Mary shrugged. It was no old news that Mary MacDonald was pansexual, so no one was surprised. "Alright, Emile, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Emile replied, popping a cherry in her mouth.

"Met any nice guy this summer?" Mary asked eagerly.

"Well yeah," Emile giggled. "He was a British muggle, but could speak French. Also, for some odd reason, he insisted on faking my name to Giovanna for his friends."

"Oh." Mary's eyes drifted towards Marlene, whose face was stoic.

"I met his other friend too," Emile continued, not noticing Marlene. "He's called James Potter and was pretty fucking hot, at least hotter than Sirius. But I guess I was fine with the latter. But we had to break up, thanks to Beauxbatons and his boarding school."

"Isn't Potter famous a British pure-blood family's last name?" Clara asked curiously.

"So is Black, but muggles can have those names too," Emile said with a shrug.

"Oh fuck," Lily whispered to Mary as they saw Marlene took a deep, shaky breath. This was very bad.


19th October 1976, Hogwarts

Dear James, Scarlett & Sirius,

How are you both? I haven't recieved any letters from school, so I guess you are maturing. Better late than never, you know? Everyone here is completely fine, don't you worry. Dorea has been keeping tags on Kate, cheking up on her everyday. She'll recover, don't be depressed, yeah? Miss you loads. Monty and Charlus are at work and Dorea's at St. Mungo's.


"Maturing, my ass," Sirius laughed as he handed the letter to Scarlett, who snorted.

"She's just hoping." James shrugged as he looked up from his qudditch magazine.

"Then," said Scarlett, "she has to know that Marauders never mature."

"Thanks, sister-like-cousin." Sirius flashed her one of his lady killer smiles.

"No problem, brother-like-cousin number two," Scarlett giggled.


Emmeline and Dorcas lay on the former's bed, cuddled up and happy. Well, as happy as anyone can be when their best friend's in coma.

Emmeline traced her hands over Dorcas's milky chocolate coloured skin and sighed, causing her girlfriend to look at her. Emmeline's sparkling blue eyes met Dorcas's warm soft brown ones.

"I love you."

Once Emmeline regained sanity, she clapped her hand over her mouth and let out an audible gasp. Dorcas's eyes were wide, and she had the cutest dazed expression on her face.

"W-wait, what?" Dorcas said, sitting up quickly.

"You don't have to say that back!" Emmeline said just as quickly. Then, her voice softened. "I just had to tell you. I couldn't hide it any longer. You know, the need to vocalize this made me blurt it out."

"You know," Dorcas said softly, "I think I may be falling in love with you too."

A/N: Doreline/Demmeline for lifeeeee. We are exactly 12 chapters away fron the end...Take care and stay safe.


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