《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #38》

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3rd December 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland


Skylar's voice brought Kate back from her daydream about Isadora. Kate felt guilt settle inside herself as Skylar's concerned eyes bore into hers. Kate shifted slightly and put up a (forced) smile.

"Yeah?" Kate said. "I just moved out of focus for a second, sorry."

"Are you sure it wasn't the side effect of.." Skylar trailed off awkwardly.

"Coma? Hell no. Was just thinking. No big deal," Kate assured her.

As it turned out, Skylar was an enthusiastic talker. She was verbal and never seemed to run out of words or matters to talk about. It was cute to watch her though, the way she moved her hands when really enthusiastic about a particular topic and the way she giggled and laughed genuinely at Kate's stupid jokes. Kate would have liked her, if it had not been for Isadora.

The Milan Café, a new one in Hogsmead, was a nice place for gay couples. The owner of the shop, Madame D. Milan, was a lesbian herself and was very happy to see the gay couples inside her shop. It was perhaps the only place aside from The Three Broomsticks and Hog's Head where homophobes didn't glower angrily at gay people. As for Madam Puddifoot's, only 'straight' couples went there and guys mostly avoided it, matter of pride you see.

"I love this place," sighed Skylar happily.

"Same," smiled Kate.

They fell into comfortable silence, listening the light tinkling of bells which hung at the door and Madame D. Milan's chosen soft music. Now and then, more couples would come through the door and the place would be even fuller.

"Can we have the bill please, Dahlia?" called Skylar as she and Kate stood up. Madame Dahlia Milan scurried towards them and said in her Spanish accented English:

"Sure! It's four galleons and two knuts. I hope you enjoyed!"

"Very much, Dahlia," assured Kate as she handed the plump woman tao galleons ahd one knut, while Skylar did the same.

"Hope you come by again!" said Madame Milan cheerfully as she waved at them.

The cold December air hit Kate's face as they stepped out of the warmth of The Milan Café. Skylar turned to her and squeezed Kate's gloved hands in her own as she pressed a soft kiss to the latter's lips.

"Thanks for the date, Katie. I loved it," smiled Skylar. They walked to the school in silence and parted ways, promising to meet at dinner.

"I'm sorry," whispered Kate into the silence as Skylar went out of view.


4th December 1976, Beauxbatons, France

If you were to look at Lily Evans's album, you would be surprised to know that she has five pages full of James Potter's photos! And yes, Lily was not ashamed of it. She was just a teenager in love, with a guy who hasn't got a scintilla of attraction towards her.

As for the photos, Lily absolutely loved James's smile. The way his hazel eyes lit up and the green in them became more pronounced, the way the corners of his eyes crinkled and, obviously, his high cheekbones. All of him just made her fall harder for him, if it was possible.

Her hands traced his face and she could not help but smile when she thought how it would feet to do that in real life. Unfortunately, real life meant where he did not feel anything towards her.

Don't go there, Lily chided herself. Keep hope!

She ignored the fact that keeping hope would not make James like her. If he didn't feel anything towards her, it was fine. He had a life too and his opinions mattered. Lily was not selfish enough to hate him just because he did not like her.

"Looks like she's lost in James land again." Mary's voice was muffled through Lily's curtains.

"I know he loves her too, they are just too stupid," said Marlene.

"Says the girl who was--is oblivious to Sirius's attention towards her!"

"Oh shut up."

Their voices faded into playful banter, while Lily's brain kept repeating one sentence:

What if he loves me too?

Between you readers and I, we know that he loves her. It's quite simple and anyone with eyes and a brain could see and understand that. The way they are oblivious, I am not hesitating to announce them as lunatics. Of course, we need lunatics. It would be a dull world without them, don't you agree?


5th December 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

The flames flickered in the fireplace. Red and orange waves licked and wrapped around the wooden logs and they made a pleasant crinkling sound. The soft glow of the oil lamp was the only luminous object in the common room apart from the fire.

A sigh fell from James's lips as he turned away from the flames. They reminded him of Lily's hair and when he thought about Lily, a sort of heart sickness gripped him. He longed for her smiles, her laughs and her voice. But, she would be in her boarding school at France right now. Probably sleeping. No normal person stayed awake at one in the morning.

James removed his glasses and massaged his eyes. To be honest, he looked rather odd without them. The glasses added a special look to his twinkling hazel eyes and their light brown frame stood out against his tanned olive skin. He wasn't very dark, he just had the perfect tan. Just some hours ago, a fifth year had tried to flirt with him. Of course he had avoided her.

James knew that he was good-looking, thanks to his parents but he was, in a way, taken. Lily Jasmine Evans owned him, and she did not know that. As cheesy as it sounds, James's heart was with her. In return, he only had her photos.

I have said this too many times to count now, but hear this again: Love stories take time. Who ever saw/heard a story where the lovers did not face problems? And, as the saying goes, Patience rewards. Maybe they will get together. Maybe not. But remember, for every positive thing, there is a negative prefix. For every negative word, there is a positive opposite too.

A/N: Woah, descriptive chapter! Who ever thought that three days could be described in 1k words? I absolutely adore the last scene! I'm a slut for deep stuff, suck it up bitches. Take care and stay safe.


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