《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #12》

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28th July 1976, France

"I'm engaged."

Druella Black dropped her cup of tea in shock. It fell onto the floor, shattered and the tea spilled all over the carpet.

"Oops." Bellatrix took a step back to avoid getting sprinkled.

"You said what? Engaged? To Phoebe, I hope?" Druella ignored her broken teacup and gaped at her second eldest daughter.

"To Phoebe, of course!" Bellatrix said, bewildered. "Who else? I ain't a player like Siri or Reg!"

"Because," Sirius shouted from his room, "Siri and Reg are boys. You will be a she-player!"

Neither Bellatrix nor Druella paid him any attention, mostly because the latter was rather busy sobbing and hugging her daughter to death.

"Aw, all my children are so grown up!" Druella cried. "Meda has a kid, you are engaged and, perhaps, Cissy will come to me with a wedding invitation!"

Bellatrix rolled her grey eyes. "Mom," she said calmly, "Narcissa and Marcus have only been dating for some time. They aren't so hurried to start a family."

But Druella ignored her. Instead, she said: "We have to invite The Greengrasses for dinner tomorrow! Please write them a letter, I'll go bring some sweets for the occasion!" And she went away, beaming and muttering about wedding venues.

"What was that?" Bellatrix wondered.


In the Greengrass house, Mrs Zoe Greengrass accepted this good news even more dramatically than Mrs Druella Black.

She hugged her daughter tightly and sobbed. "Oh, Ebby! I'm so proud! I wish your dad were here, he'd be so proud! Bellatrix is such a nice girl, and her family! Make sure to name your kid after me!"

On the other side of the room, Phoebe's brother, Edward Greengrass, groaned. He said: "Not the kid. You women jump so quickly!"

His mother and sister ignored him, mainly because an owl flew inside through the window. It obediently sat on the kitchen counter and stared at them with his large yellow eyes.

"Adhara." Phoebe extracted the letter from the Blacks' family owl, Adhara.

"What's their obession with constellations?" Edward wanted to know. Phoebe opened the letter and read:

Dear Eb, Edward and Zoe,

I told my family about Phoebe and my engagement. Mom wants you guys to come over tomorrow for dinner. I hope you don't mind. Take care.


"Of course, we'd go!" Edward said, brighting up at the idea of food.

"Parchment please," Zoe sighed.


29th July 1976

Mary MacDonald decided that she hated the rain, with a burning passion.

Today, she was supposed to be out in the city with her friends (witches amd wizards), having a nice day together. Except, the fates clearly didn't like the idea.

She scowled at the water pouring heavily from the dark, moody clouds. The soil in her garden had turned to mud, sticky and wet. Thunder boomed through the city, making her bury her head further into her pillow.

She could perfectly imagine what her friends were doing right now. Marlene would have been making paper boats and floating them in water, Lily would be dancing in it, Frank would be cursing the rain for ruining his plants and Remus would be reading a book with hot chocolate beside his window.

So far, she agreed with Frank. Fuck the rain.

Lily would have shaken her head at this. She would have said: "Oh, come on, Mare! That's not nice! Come on, let's go and enjoy!"

So, being the friend-sick girl she is, she just wrote a letter to Lily.

Dear Lils,

I hope you are enjoying the rain, because I'm not. I'm scared to death of lightening, I wish you were here. Love you loads.



True to Mary MacDonald's prediction, The McKinnon siblings were actually making paper boats and floating them in the water, controlled by Marcus McKinnon's charm.

"Look! The Mike Is Cool is sailing!" Miachel said proudly. Marlene laughed and immediately regretted it as she swallowed some salty rain water.

"Mike Is Cool?" She wheezed. "What kind of name is that?!"

"Duh." Marcus rolled his eyes. "All Da Ladies Luv Marcus is better!"

"No. I don't love you," Marlene told him.

"Deeply wounded, sister." Marcus touched his heart in grief.

"Good," Miachel and Marlene said and exchaged smirks.


"For Circe's sake! Leave the chocolate!" Mira Lupin exclaimed as she saw her brother sitting on the window sill in his room, wrapped in a snowy white blanket, reading The Two Towers and sipping hot chocolate.

In response, Remus gave her an amused look. He said: "I detect jealousy." His voice was teasing and smug.

"Yes," Mira admitted. "I am jealous. You aren't spending time with me! We haven't played chess in centuries."

Her brother huffed out a laugh. He extended his arm and she hurried towards him, leaning her head on his shoulder. He chuckled.

"So," Remus said, "you are jealous of chocolate, and angry because I don't play chess with you? My Gods, Miss Lupin, you have quite unique reasons to be upset."

"Oh shut up," Mira muttered, embarressed.

"Where's the chess board? I'm going to defeat you today," Remus said confidently.

"You do that everyday," Mira reminded him and they shared a laugh over it.

Even if siblings were annoying, you have to learn to live with them. Because, without them, a part of you won't exist. The Lupin siblings had accepted that long ago, because without big bro Rem, there was no lil sis Ra and without her, there was no him.


30th July 1976

"Marriage. Marriage. Marriage! My cousin's marriage!" Sirius squealed over and over again. He jumped on his bed, squealing like a teenage girl and dancing.

"Bella lurrrrrves Hebe!" He sang.

"Her name's Phoebe," Bellatrix glared at him.

"Pho-Phi Hebe!" Sirius giggled. On the couch, Regulus had been laughing so much, he was reduced to tears, clutching his stomach as he rolled over and over again until he fell on the carpet, still laughing madly.

"I'm going to be an uncle again!" Sirius exclaimed, squealing even louder.

"I give up." Bellatrix left the room, shaking her head and smiling.

A/N: Lmao, I love the last scene. And Mira and Remus, obviously. Writing about siblings in perhaps one of my fav things. Why, I've got one sister of my own and...nine cousins [one died recently :( ] and one nephew. Huge family, I know. Take care and stay safe.


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