《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #15》

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6th August 1976

She remembered the amazing snog. She remembered his lips, his apple red, soft as hell lips as they moved against hers. She remembered his large, warm hands as they slid over her waist and back, leaving invisible trails of warmth.

She remembered the soft sigh of her name from his mouth. She remembered her hands in his hair. She remembered every bloody thing.

And now, Lily lay on her bed, watching the stars and moon through her window, wondering if the the kiss meant anything. She refused to give herself hope, because it'd be useless.

He didn't like her, it was just a snog. Just a snog.

It hurt to think that but it was the truth. The bitter truth. And acceptance is the key to moving on.

She wiped a tear from the corner of her left eye and stared at the stars, as though they'd answer all her questions. Sadly, they would not.

Between me, the author, and you readers, we all know she's wrong. He likes her, but only if he'd confess that. Alas, things are never so simple.

Especially not in love. Never, that would be simply impossible, unacceptable. Love is never simple.


He remembered her hands in his hair, her lips moving against his, he remembered the soft skin of her exposed waist as he held it. He remembered everything quite cleatly for a drunk man.

Her essence of jasmines and strawberries made him dizzy, making him kiss her with even more passion. Because he loved her, but couldn't tell her.

It was a drunk snog, James told himself. It meant nothing. We were friends who got drunk and snogged, no big deal.

But it was a big deal for him. Merlin knows how nany years had he spent wondering how it would feel like to kiss her. To feel her skin against his. To be closer than ever to her.

And now, when oppurtunity knocked, he got himself drunk and snogged her and maybe she didn't give a damn about it.

He turned away from the window, because the stars out there reminded him of the thousand different shades of green swirling in Lily's eyes.

Who said that love is easy? Whoever said that has never been in love. Love is never easy. It has ups and downs, tears and smiles, denial and confusion, what not?

But, as I said: In the end, they were one, despite their differences. Because love has it ways.

Epic love stories take time, a lot of time. Days, weeks, months, possibly years of longing, after that they get together.

But, maybe they would be together soon. But the future in unknown, by me and you. Whatever must happen, will happen and we can't change it.

All we can do is hope.


7th August 1976

"Saw them snogging! Sucking faces, in fact! I swear, they'd look amazing together!"

Isadora Donnell stopped in the act of flipping the page of her book to stare, horrified, at a giggling Sirius Black.

"WHO?!" Emmeline practically shouted.

"You two," Alice muttered quietly.

"Said something?" Dorcas asked her. Alice gave her a sweet smile amd shook her head.

"Prongs and Evans!" Sirius squealed.

"B-but he doesn't like her!" Isadora gawked at him. Everyone looked surprised.

"You didn't know?" Emmeline stared at her.

"Know what?" Isadora asked, puzzled.

"That he loves her!" All of her friends said in unison, looking thrilled. Before Isadora had a chance to say something to express her horror, Euphemia Potter walked inside the room, looking around at them.

"Who loves who?" She asked curiously. She took a seat beside Alice on the couch and waited for the answer.

"Prongs!" Sirius squealed. "He loves the French redhead!"

"The French redhead?" Euphemia repeated, raising her eyebrows. "What's her real name, 'Ri?"

Sirius blushed at the use of his nicknane. "Lily Evans," he answered.

"I always wondered if that was short of something. Like Lilith, Lilian or Liliana," Kate said thoughtfully.

"No. It's just Lily," Alice told her.

Amidst this, Isadora Emily Donnell sat staring at the floor, small tears in her eyes because clearly, the only boy she'd ever really liked didn't like her. His heart belonged to someone else.

It was always Lily Evans for him. Always.

Kate, as if sensing her sadness, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her hand comfortingly. Isadora looked up into her violet-blue eyes, full of warmth and kindness and love and a dozen other emotions she couldn't make out.

"Maybe you were not the one for him, Dory," Kate said quietly. "Maybe Lily was the one for him. But don't put on that gloomy face, I hate that expression. Maybe there's someone else for you, someone who's worthy of you. It's not James's fault, it's nobody's fault. All you have to do is to accept this and move on."

At that moment, Isadora felt a strange kind of attention for her best friend, something she should not feel for her best friend.

Maybe this was the start of some other memorable love story. Maybe not. But I repeat, and forgive me for doing so: Two people most unexpected to fall in love can fall in love, because love has it ways.


8th August 1976

The church was busy, people were ready for the wedding. Bellatrix Black and her best woman, Mirabella Grace, her best friend, stood at the aisle.

The Maid of Honour was one of Phoebe's best friend, Sarah Davies. The bridesmaids included Ruby Stebbins and Violetta De Lacy.

Phoebe walked down at the aisle, beaming at Bellatrix. They stood facing each other, smiling from ear to ear.

"I, Bellatrix Naomi Black, accept you, Phoebe Ruth Greengrass, as my wife. I promise to stand beside you at every hard and easy phase in our upcoming life together. I promise never to leave you. I promise never to break your trust," Bellatrix recited her vows.

"I, Phoebe Ruth Greengrass, accept you, Bellatrix Naomi Black, as my wife.I promise to stand beside you at every hard and easy phase in our upcoming life together. I promise never to leave you. I promise never to break your trust," Phoebe repeated.

"Do you, Bellatrix Naomi Black, accept Phoebe Ruth Greengrass as your wife?" The priest asked.

"I do," Bellatrix smiled.

"Do you, Phoebe Ruth Greengrass, accept Bellatrix Naomi Black as your wife?" The priest asked again.

"I do," Phoebe repeated, beaming.

"I announce you married! You may the kiss now!"

They kissed and the crowd erupted in cheers and claps but they didn't care, because at this moment, there were only two of them in this world. Just Phoebe and Bellatrix.

A/N: I rewrote this chapter because the first version was deleted...I'm so tired...Take care and stay safe.


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