《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #31》

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22nd October 1976, Beauxbatons

The gentle tinkling of the water against the glass door of the shower was the only sound other than Marlene's fast and heavy breathing. It had been three days since she had found out that Giovanni was, in fact, her fellow dorm mate: Emile Janvier.

Marlene let out a heavy breath, fogging up the glass in front of her. "It's not right to call her a traitor," she told herself. "She didn't know that I love him!"

But Marlene wanted to blame someone, so she blamed herself, who else? Only if she had behaved like a true Bellefeuille and told Sirius how she felt about him, none of this could have happened, right? Maybe they would have been dating like Frank and Alice.


Maybe not.

Marlene stepped out of the shower and wrapped a silky green towel around herself. She put on her most boring (but most comfortable) pair of lime green pajamas and crawled into bed.

When she was the sure that the other girls were asleep, and no one was moving or talking, she finally let the damn of tears break. Thick, pearly tears rolled down her cheeks and she stifled her sobs in her pillow.

Far away from her, Sirius Black was pulling on his hair, just like he did when he was stifling his own sobs.


23rd October 1976, Hogwarts

"GOOD JOB, BLACK! KILL THE TEAM, THAT'S IT!" James yelled loudly (and sarcastically), his voice heard over the loud whistling of the wind.

"KEEP THE SARCASM FOR LATER! THE BASTARD NEARLY BROKE MY NOSE!" Landon Hale shouted back, throwing a disgusted look at Sirius.

"Can you please focus on the game?" Hestia Jones pleaded, desperate for calm.

"We can," Noah Rafferty told her, "if our Captain decides that sarcasm will not let us win the match."

Sirius clapped his hands over James's ears dramatically and gave Noah a look mock-horror. "Shh!" Sirius 'whispered'. "You'll upset the captain!"

"Padfoot, off." James's lips were twitching.

"Team!" Madam Hooch shouted loudly. "Time out! Pitch closed now!"

"Alright, Tessa!" James called bcak with a smirk.

"It's Madam Hooch to you," the refree chided.

The team trotted towards the changing room, shivering and tired. After a long and hot shower, James came out and saw Sirius examining his locker.

James's eyes went wide as he closed the locker quickly, but Sirius had clearly found something he could use to tease him: a photo of him and Lily, holdimg hands near the Eiffel Tower during sunset. The photo was taken by none other than The Frank Longbottom, who had sent James tjis phpto last Christmas.

"Aw," Sirius cooed, "look at them!"

"Look at who?" Landon asked, puzzled. Even Noah looked up from his bag where he was digging for a t-shirt.

"Prongsie-poo has a tiny-miny crush on a French Redhead," Sirius said with an evil smile towards a very red James Potter.

"She's hot man," Landon commented as he stared at Lily.

James tried not to punch him.

Overprotective much, eh? Interesting...


24th October 1976, Beauxbatons

Rumours: Mistress of Magic Arianna Belleza about to declare new law!

It has came to recent notice that The French Mistress of Magic, Arianna Belleza, will be starting a new law called 'Nationality Law of 1976' soon. According to this law, students must study in the school of magic from where they come. As in, if you are American and study at Durmstrang, it's wrong. You must be at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This has not beem confirmed but is merely a rumour. But, who knows if this really is a rumour?

"Woah," Frank said, his eyes moving on the wizarding newspaper with interest.

"Woah what? Maybe they are just rumours," Mary said, shrugging.

"Maybe not," Marlene said slowly. "Belleza's not the kidding type. No one with the middle name Théodwyn is the kidding type."

"Lord of The Rings inspired," Remus chuckled as he fed Mary little cherries.

"What's in that book?" Marlene wanted to know. Both Remus and Lily semt her disapproving looks, and she sniggered because they were triggered.

Intentional rhyming there, by the way.

"The book's got my last name there," Frank grumbled. "Longbottom leaf, I get that I'm a simp for Herbology"--Marlene snorted--"but it's just so odd."

"I think it's cute." Lily smiled at him and tweaked his nose playfully, making Frank pout childishly.

"Off the topic guys," Remus said drily, though he could not help that little smile on his face.

"We excel at going off topic," Mary giggled.

"It's fun," Marlene told them. "Like connecting dots. Like one of us says 'magic' and then we dive into 'Hogwarts' followed by 'Dumbledore's omniscience' and what not!"

"That guy is odd," Frank frowned.

"He's wise, very wise," Remus said.

"Being wise won't help you if you are poor as hell," Marlene pointed out.

"Sometimes," Lily said slowly, "even bravery has to bow down to wisdom."

"Keep that Pappilionlisse stuff for later." Mary smiled.

But it's true, isn't it? Say that you are in a life-and-death situation. You can't shout "Hey! I'm brave so you should let me go!" can you? Wisdom works at such times. But, whatever has to happen will happen and we can't change it. The future is unknown, by me and you. Prescient I am not, but can say that their lives were going to take a huge turn.


25th October 1976, Hogwarts

"If this law takes action," Sirius said, "they'll have to take off the Gryffindors prefects Amy McPherson and Connor Limpia. And there's this Ravenclaw bird, Samantha Clearwater, too. Woah, that's a long list!"

"They can't put it in action," Dircas said with a frown. "They'll have to replace millions of families."

"But Belleza does what she wants to do," Emmeline told them wisely.

"Well then fuck Belleza," James said, cracking a smile.

"Fuck Belleza!" The other three Marauders agreed.

But little did they know how useful this law could be, for them.

A/N: I honestly have no idea what to write it an author's not now...take care and stay safe.


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