《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #03》

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A/N: @JLP_Lover big shock coming for you on the way *winks*

14th July 1976, Hogwarts

Emmeline Vance was not so...shy.

She was confident and sassy. But right now, she had her chin perched on Dorcas Meadowes's shoulder and could smell her perfume.

Dorcas gave a sweet scent of cherries. Her curly, shoulder length raven hair was pulled into a cute bun, with little strands falling from it. Emmeline had to try really hard to keep her hands to herself.

She realised that if Dorcas turned her head, just a bit, their lips would---


Dorcas's voice snapped Emmeline out of her day dream. The blonde's face turned as red as the sunset.

"Y-yeah?" Emmeline said, still in a daze. Dorcas's brows knit in confusion.

"You look all moon-eyed..." She frowned.

"Just-just thinking," Emmeline told her. "Don't worry. What were you saying?"

"I said, doesn't Daniel Howards look good? I hope he takes me to Hogsmead this weekend. He's been looking at me for a few days.." Dorcas trailed off with a sigh.

Emmeline's sparkling blue eyes turned cold. They looked like frozen blue ice. She cleared her throat.

"Uh, hope so," she said. But in her mind, she was thinking of the many ways with which she could kill Daniel Howards. Her favourites until now included drowning him in a vial of poison and choking him to death.

Dorcas noticed the change in her facial expression and frowned. Before she had the chance to comment, the door to the dormitory opened.

A pair of twins and a brunette stood in the doorway, chuckling among themselves.

One of the twins, the one with a small birthmark on her neck, smirked when she saw their position.

"Ah, young love," Shanaya Patil elbowed her twin, Meera Patil. They shared knowing looks.

"Nothing like that, Patil," Emmeline waved her hand casually. Dorcas tried to ignore the small pang of hurt she felt.

"You sure, Vance?" Grace Dunbar raised an eyebrow as she took a seat on the floor. She pulled out a packet of Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans and narrowed her eyes suspiciously at a weird sickly yellow one.

"Yeah!" The two girls said together, rather quickly. A small part of their brains said: Idiot. Of course there's something!

"Whatever works for you," Meera shrugged.

"YUCK!" Grace shouted. They saw the brunette cursing and she ran towards the bathroom. Oops, she was being sick.

"What was it, Grace?" Shanaya asked curiously, but not without concern.

"CURSE THE LADY! IT WAS-IT WAS PUKE!" Grace yelled furiously.

"Suffers from mild anger issues," Dorcas shared a look with Emmeline.

"Mild, yeah," Meera rolled her eyes.

"Sureeeee," Shanaya dragged out the word with a smirk.

Dorcas sneaked a glance at Emmeline and couldn't help but admire how wonderful she looked in the early morning sunshine. Blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, blue eyes twinkling and smile radiant and bright.

Oh Merlin, Dorcas thought, what's happening with me? Is it what I think it is?

She hoped not. But a small part did have hope.


14th July 1976, Beauxbatons

Brielle Evans was not fond of nymphs.

Especially the water ones. The Naiads sat near the lake, swooning over good-looking boys. Maybe it was because a previous boyfriend of hers had kissed a Naiad, thus ending their long relationship or because those girls were rude.

Her best friend, Narcissa Black, rolled her eyes at her rather dramatic scowl.

"Gods of the old, Bree," Narcissa said, amused. "One would think the matter was closed! It was an old feud! Let us forget those unfriendly moments and live in the present days of happiness!"

"Ha ha ha," Brielle said sarcastically. "Very funny, Cissa. You have been taking a lot of interest in drama. Professor Blanc is so pleased."

Her friend rolled her eyes and shoved her playfully. She tucked a silvery blonde strand behind her ear and smiled brightly.

"I'm guessing something good happened at home?" Brielle asked while twirling a strand of dark brown hair between her fingers.

"You bet," Narcissa grinned. "Little Dora, my cute niece, screamed at Meda using some..un-children like words. Thanks to my dear cousins."

"There's Regulus but who's the other one? You never told me," Brielle raised an eyebrow curiously.

"He's called--"

'Miss Evans!" A Naiad squeaked from behind them. The girls turned. Brielle recognised the nymph as Naida.

"Yes?" Brielle offered her a small smile.

"Your sister is searching for you," Naida said, pointing at the castle.

"She is?" Brielle said, smirking ever so slightly.

"You are so smug, Bree. Seriously? Lily doesn't seem the type to, you know, ask boy advice which you excel in. It may be normal stuff. Go check her out!" Narcissa said sternly.

Brielle sighed and stood up. She thanked Naida, waved to Narcissa before returning inside the castle. She gave a certain nymph a scowl on her way. 

"Miss Evans!"

"Well...shit," Brielle muttered. She put up a brave smile and turned. Professor Blanc, the head of Bellefeuille and the drama and charms teacher, was hurrying towards her.

"Yes, professor?" Brielle nodded at her. Blanc handed her a letter.

"For you. It got here just a couple of minutes ago," Blanc said. Brielle accepted the letter and a small grin came over her face.

"Thanks, professor," She smiled. Blanc nodded and hurried off, muttering about a drama exam for some (poor) third years.

Brielle was near the trophy room when she saw Lily. Her sister was accompanied by her friend, Mary MacDonald.

"Wassup, lil' sis?" Brielle said cheerfully.

"Sky," Mary said. "But we--Lily glared at her--okay, I, need your help."

"Oh? How can Brielle Siena Evans help you today?" Brielle smiled.

"Er..um..I like someone," Mary said nervously.

"Who is?" Brielle questioned.

"Remus. Remus Lupin."

"Aww!" Brielle cooed. "I always thought you two would make a great couple! I'm sure he likes you too, Remary, is it? Or Memus? No, that sounds weird."

"Ship names later," Lily rolled her eyes. "Help her."

"Sure, follow me!" Her elder sister beamed.

A/N: Stop staring at me like that. All this was planned by @breesiena_914 not me. And yes, Shanaya Patil is named after @JLP_Lover. I don't have much to say today. Take care amd stay safe!


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