《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #05》

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16th July 1976, Beauxbatons

When Narcissa Black woke up on the morning on the 16th of July, she saw her best friend, Brielle Evans, sitting on her own bed, looking all moon-eyed and dreamy.

"You okay?" Narcissa said, frowning. Brielle let out a small giggle.

"Yeah, kinda," she said happily. Narcissa raised an eyebrow.

"Kinda?" She asked.

"Oh you know, Miachel and I met up last night...and then we--"

"I don't need the details, I got enough information but thanks for the image," Narcissa grumbled. Brielle giggled again.

Rolling her eyes, Narcissa stood up. She shook her head at her dreamy best friend.

"Smitten," she muttered.

"Hey, you are smitten for Marcus too!" Brielle said. Narcissa blushed but didn't decline.


"I have got a date with Remus."

Lily looked up from her book, torn between shock and happiness for her two friends.

Mary was blushing as red as Lily's hair but was smiling broadly. She looked so happy, Lily had to grin as well.

She stood up and hugged Mary tightly.

"Congratulations! I always knew about you guys! When did he ask?" Lily asked curiously. Mary blushed ever redder, which seemed impossible.

"Um, he didn't," she said. "I did, last night during patrols..."

Lily laughed and wrapped an arm around her best friend's shoulders. They sat beside a crystal fountain, on the grass.

"Oh girl," Lily said proudly, "I'm so, so, so proud of you!"

Mary grinned and leaned her head on the redhead's shoulder. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, smiling and feeling happy. The wind blew around softly, caressing their faces and ruffling their hair.

The Nymphs were singing softly to themselves in their fair language. They looked merry as the afternoon sun shone over their heads, giving a glow to the crystal fountains.

They heard footsteps and the next moment, Marlene McKinnon had her head on Lily's lap. She smiled up at them.

"I heard about a certain someone's date with Remus," she said, grinning knowingly. Mary smiled and Lily laughed merrily.

"Well, yeah," Mary said. "I asked him during patrols. Poor boy, he was blushing so hard...but he agreed. We've got a date on our first day of vacation."

"I wish there was a nice village in here," Marlene grumbled. "No places for dates apart from the lake, garden, forest and mountains."

"Those are nice though," Lily said. "Natural beauty."

"Duh," Marlene rolled her eyes at her best friend.


"I knew it!" Frank said truimphantly.

"Knew what?" Remus saud, puzzled.

"Knew that you liked Mary!" Frank grinned. Remus blushed and nodded, grinning back.

"He does? No surprises here."

A girl came up to them. She had long sandy blonde hair, like Remus, and soft blue eyes. There was a light sprinkling of freckles on her nose. Mira Lupin grinned broadly.

Remus laughed and draped an arm around his younger sister's shoulders.

"I agree," Frank said with a sage-like nod. Mira grinned up at Remus, who tweaked her nose playfully.

"Where's your boyfriend, Fenwick? I swear, I just need an excusr to kill him, he didn't even ask permission before dating you!" Remus gasped dramatically.

"Duh," Mira rolled her eyes. "I am not anybody's property. I'll do whatever I want to do. And you, Remus John Lupin, will not interfere in my love life."

"Alright, alright," Remus grumbled.


16th July 1976, Hogwarts

In the corridors of Hogwarts, Maddison Vance could be found. She looked furious as she hurried outside.

"Oh God, Maddy!" Regulus Black shouted after her.

She ignored him and continued her sprint towards the lake.

"MADDISON EVE VANCE!" Regulus shouted. She stopped and glared back at him. They were standing near the lake, glaring fiercely at each other.

Maddison, or Maddy as she prefers, tried not to stare into Regulus's eyes, she would turn all dreamy and unfocused again. His black hair was ruffled by the breeze, grey eyes were fierce and a bit confused and his arms were crossed.

"Now," he said, "would you like to tell me why you stormed from the Great Hall like that?"

Maddy scowled and said, "Oh I dunno, maybe because you and Blake can't keep your PDA to yourselves?"

Regulus frowned. "Why do you care about who I snog or date?" He demanded. Maddy stepped forward. She fisted her hand in his Ravenclaw robes and pulled him close. So close, in fact, that Regulus could breathe in her scent of cinnamon.

"Because," she said slowly, "I like you. I've been trying to tell you that since first year! But you oblivious idiot, you can't see that! And you go and date Andrea freaking Blake! What do you expect from me?"

Regulus gaped at her. He resembled a gold fish, but Maddy chose not to comment on that.

"Y-you like me?" He said, shocked. Maddy rolled her eyes.

"No. I like the Giant Squid," she said sarcastically. Regulus huffed out a laugh and kissed her gently.

"You know what?" He pulled back, grey eyes twinkling.

"What?" Maddy asked, still in a daze after the kiss. He grinned happily.

"I like you too."


"Aw, you too look amazing together!" Ava Bell gushed as she looked at her two best friends, standing hand-in-hand and grinning like idiots. Happy idiots. Happy idiots in love.

"They sure do, but you and I would be amazing too," Noah Rafferty, their other friend, winked at her. Ava rolled her eyes.

"I like Andrew, don't you get it?" She said. Noah laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Duh, can he even kiss?" Regulus rolled his eyes.


Everyone looked at a grim-faced Maddy.

"I had to kiss him once, a dare you know, and he was awful!" She exclaimed.

"Ew, you still wanna date him? I'm better! Team Noah, everyone!" Noah grinned at Ava.

"Team Noah!" Maddy and Regulus nodded together.

"Whatever," Ava shrugged. "I still like him."

"Oh girl, you don't," Maddy muttered quietly.

"Said something, Vance?" Noah raised an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe," Maddy smirked at him. "Maybe something to improve your love life, Rafferty."

A/N: I've now paired Reg with THREE OCs. Jily: The Undying Love shows him with Vivienne Price, Love At The Sea with Alexis Potter and The French Redhead with Maddison Vance. Who's your favourite till now? Just curious...Take care and stay safe.


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