《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #01》

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A/N: The First Official Chapter to "The French Redhead☆Jily AU". Dedicated to breesiena_914. Enjoy! And please leave comments *smiles* Note: The  underlined text is spoken in french. The normal one is in english.

12th July 1976

Behind the mountains of Pyrenees, behind dark oak woods, lay the beautiful palace of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France. The gardens were green and beautiful with nymphs, fairies and nature spirits taking care of them. Fountains made of crystal decorated the place.

It overlooks a cliff, giving a spectacular view. At the entrace, there is a large man-made, rectangular lake which is the home to a large and beautiful swan named Clarence.

The main building is lavish, with exquisite architecture and very wide windows. It was a beautiful summer evening on the 12th of July 1976. In the great hall, Nymphs were walking around, serving students and teachers.

At the Bellefeuille Table, a young girl with auburn hair and the deepest and most wonderful of emerald eyes turned to her one of her best friends.

"Remus," Lily Evans said, "how was your exam?"

Remus Lupin smiled dryly. He pushed his sandy blonde hair out of his eyes and sighed.

"Horrible. Just horrible," he cringed. Lily laughed lightly. She shook her head.

"Won't belive that," she said. "I'm sure that I failed Divination."

A snort was heard from beside Remus. Marlene McKinnon rolled her eyes slowly.

"Lily Evans," she chuckled, "failing a subject? Impossible. By the way, he did pretty well. Professor Blanc was pleased."

Remus sent a glare in her direction and she shrugged and sipped her pumpkin juice.

"Mademoiselle Evans?" A Nymph by the name of Harmonia interuppted. "Professor Blanc wanted to inform you that your rounds today are with Louisa Chevrolent from Pappilionlisse."

"Alright, thanks Harmonia," Lily smiled. The Nymph walked away towards the Ombrelune table.

"Well congratulations," Mary MacDonald smirked. "Chevrolent still hasn't forgiven you for that little incident in etiquette class last year."

Lily cringed and the others laughed. Frank Longbottom patted her hair and smirked, clearly enjoying this.

"Give me that letter, will you?" Lily pointed to the parchment in Frank's hand. He shrugged and handed it to her.

Dear Lily, Remus, Frank, Mary and Marlene,

We are all very excited for the summer, we'll meet soon! Our boarding school holidays start from the 20th so we'll be there by the 25th. Be the airport please. We could write more but our teacher is coming over (holy shit! She's here!) Bye! See you soon!

Lots of love,
James, Sirius, Emmeline, Alice, Dorcas

"Miss them, right?" Remus smiled. Lily nodded. They were muggles, yes. But they and Lily's gang (they called themselves Dreamers) had been friends for a long time. Ever since the summer of 1982.

After dinner, Lily met up with Louisa Chevrolent and they started the patrols.

The Palace was quiet in the night. It was raining gently and it added to the beauty of the place. Beauxbatons was more of a home to Lily when compared to her own house in Paris.

She heard the Nymphs outside singing softly to themselves in their own language. The fairies glowed silver, red, blue, green, pink and various colors in the night. From a window, Clarence was visible, idly swimming in the lake.

The gamekeeper's cabin, Camille Jacques's cabin, had moolight shining on it. Lily smiled at the sight. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic was beautiful and there was no denying it. But Lily knew about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, too.

She had been interested in the place. Her aunt, Fiona Blackburn (maiden name Evans), had studied at Hogwarts. Aunt Fiona had told her about the place, its history, the lake, the quidditch pitch, the forbidden forest...

Lily wanted to visit that place, at least once in her life. It sounded wonderful and the photos Aunt Fiona had were amazing.

"Okay then, it's all over. Good Night," Louisa said and turned. She dissapeared as she turned around a corner. Lily took one last look at the moonlit grounds of Beauxbatons before heading towards The Bellefeuille Girls' Dormitory.

She shared it with Marlene, Mary and two other girls called Clara Hubert and Emile Janvier. She entered the common room by giving a password to the man at the door.

The Bellefeuille Common Room was almost empty, minus a couple of studying seventh and sixth years. She went up to her dormitory. The moonlight peeked through the silky white curtains and she could hear her dorm mates sleeping.

Quietly, she changed and crawled into her bed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.


12th July 1976, Hogwarts

Far from Beauxbatons, from Pyrenees, from France, in Scotland, a young messy-haired boy could be seen in the corridors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Prongs," a boy with long, black hair and moon-grey eyes whispered.

"Yes Padfoot?" The boy called Prongs said. His real name, by the way, was James Potter.

"That cat has turned me against the other cats. You are kidding, right? We are doing this prank!" Padfoot, or Sirius Black, hissed.

"Yes, we are doing this prank!" A girl with short blonde hair nodded. Emmeline Vance, or Foxilla, nodded in agreement with her fellow Marauder.

"Totally," Dorcas Meadowes, or Raven, nodded. She pushed a curly dark strand out of her eyes and sneaked a glance at Emmeline.

"Alright, alright. When I count three, you'll set off the spell," James grumbled. His fellow Marauders smirked and nodded eagerly.

Silently, they held their wands as James counted. "One...two...three!"

"Silencio!" The three Marauders muttered. Mrs Norris, the caretaker's cat, opened her mouth but no sound came out. Sirius eagerly stepped forward and picked her up. And they ran all the way back to the tunnel which led to Honeydukes.

Once inside the passage, they started laughing.

"This was fun," Emmeline murmured, still giggling.

"Ah, Marauders always do fun things Foxilla," Sirius smirked.

"Agreed Mr Padfoot," Dorcas said with a sage-like nod.

"Thank you Ms Raven!" Sirius beamed.

A/N: How was the idea of making Dorcas and Emmeline Marauders? I figured it'd be a bit like Wolfstar, if you know what I mean. They are not animagi. Their nicknames are based off their patronuses. Emmy's a fox and Dorks' a raven. Take care and stay safe!


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