《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #13》

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31st July 1976, France

"I can't believe July is over," Brielle said to her sister as they did some grocery shopping for their mother.

"Nor can I," Lily told her as she examined some fresh looking carrots. Brielle wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Not the carrorts!" She warned. "Not the carrots."

Lily looked at her and smiled grimly. She shoved a piece of paper under Brielle's nose. The latter frowned and read:

Shopping List:

Vanilla syrup
Eggs (a dozen)
Black chilli pepper


Brielle groaned. Her shoulders slumped and she watched grumpily as Lily picked up some carrots and kept them in the shopping bag. They paid for the stuff they had bought and hurried out of the store.

"Salt," Brielle muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"What?" Lily rolled her eyes. "We use salt everyday."

The day was hot and humid, with sunlight burning them. Luckily for Brielle, she was a brunette and could simply get a tan. Lily, on the other hand, was not so lucky as a redhead.

The streets were crowded as ever, the lush green trees swung in the slow, hot breeze as the day droned on and on. Skyscrapers were probably full of people bustling about, working. Paris was probably a French version of New York City, with an Eiffel Tower.

Talking of Eiffel Tower, it looked amazing, even in the sunlight. The garden around it was full of families with kids, young couples or friends hanging out.

Seeing the friends made both of the sister friend-sick for her best friends. Unfortunately, Narcissa was busy planning her sister's wedding and Lily's friends...

Mary and Remus were on a date, Marlene was out for a shopping day with her mother and aunt, Frank and Alice were on their first date and so were Emmeline and Dorcas. The other four, Katherine, Isadora, Sirius and James, were dragged by Mrs Potter and Dorea Potter to the city library. Poor people.

This left both Brielle and Lily alone, friend-sick. They made their way inside the house, dumped the shopping bag on the kitchen counter and came into the living room, with strawberry milkshakes and chocolate cookies.

Brielle propped up her feet on the coffee table and took a sip of her milkshake, grinning as the cold liquid soothed her dry throat.

"Damn," Lily sighed blissfully. "If I'll get this strawberry milkshake everytime I come from shopping, I'd do that gladly everyday."

Brielle agreed with her, because there was nothing better than Rose Evans's strawberry milkshakes, it was better when compared to ambrosia and nectar together.

Yeah, she was a sucker of Greek Mythology. So what? Keep your opinions to youself!


1st August 1976

Marlene McKinnon wasn't often jealous. No, really! She wasn't often jealous.

But she was currently in a café, with all her friends, wizards and muggles alike, and Sirius wasn't present. Why, he was on a goddamn date with a French bitch, Gionavva or something was her name.

And now the question you readers want an answer to: Why was she jealous? It's not like she liked him, right? So why be jealous?

Even I, the author, am not sure about that, Marlene Ashley McKinnon is a mystery, to me and you, everyone. But, I repeat: All shall be revealed in good time. Patience! Aren't any Hufflepuffs in the crowd? They are good, calm people!

Anyway, they were playing a game of Truth and Dare which was turning out quiet nasty.

"Alright, Kate!" James shot her an evil grin. She sighed.

"Truth," she answered. James pouted but recovered quickly. He said:

"If you had to date Isadora or Freya Nakamura, who would you choose?"

"Who's Freya Nakamura?" Lily asked Alice, who smirked.

"Freya Nakamura is a fellow student at our boarding school. She once he-pranked Kate so her hair was neon green for three months," she replied.

In reality, Freya Nakamura was a Slytherin who had been quiet infatuated at James. When Kate had snapped at her for leaving him alone, she had actually hexed her hair so it was neon green for three months.

Marlene raised her eyebrows. Alice was going to say something else but caught herself just in time.

"Isadora, obviously," Kate replied easily.

She locked eyes with said girl and they looked away, acting perfectly casual.

Very Interesting. This summer just gets more interesting by each passing day.


2nd August 1976

The wedding was set on the eighth of August. The wedding of Bellatrix Naomi Black to Phoebe Ruth Greengrass.

The venue was booked, in a large church on the outskirts of the city. Well, it was going to be booked.

Zoe Greengrass, Phoebe Greengrass, Bellatrix Black, Druella Black and Walburga Black were examining the church. It was a perfect mix of ancient and modern, of nature and beauty, of architecture and engravings, of culture and tradition.

"Oh mamma!" Phoebe cried, turning to her mother. "This is amazing! Please, please, can we book it?"

Zoe smiled. "Of course, sweetie," she said. "But if Bella, Wally and Ella agree.."

"We do!" Druella beamed. "Don't we?" She added at Bellatrix's dazed look. Her daughter nodded in agreement.

"Settled then," Walburga smiled. "I'll book this tomorrow, you need not worry. Let's go home and invite Edward, we can have dinner together, again."

"Sure," Zoe replied, beaming.


Frank Longbottom and Alice Prewett were talking a walk around the city, hand-in-hand as they walked. It was a romantic evening, light and soft winds and the wonderful sunset.

Alice was wearing a long dark blue, sleeveless, floral print dress. Her chestnut hair was tied in a messy bun, with strands falling ariund her round, extremely cute face.

Frank was wearing a white polo t-shirt and black jeans. He looked like an idiot when compared to Alice, except, he didn't mind. Nor did she, because they were together and that's what matters.

"I liked you since we were fourteen," Alice said abruptly. Frank turned his face to stare her, surprise written all over his face. He said:

"You did?"

Alice let out a small chuckle. She rested her head on his shoulder and nodded. He looked ahead, blinking.

"I don't get it," he said. "How can I be so freaking lucky without even knowing it?"

Alice smacked his arm gently and playfully. He grinned in responed and tugged her closer. They watched the sun dip slowly further away, leaving the sky a wonderful mix of red, orange and the tiniest hint of dark blue.

The sunset had never seemed more beautiful.

A/N: If you don't ship Fralice, there's something siriusly ron with you. Pls go see a healer, or, in case of muggles, doctor. I have planned Bellatrix and Phoebe's wedding for chapter 15. Also, can you tell me your opinion on her (Phoebe)? And I'm in sirius need of the ship name. HELP. HELP. HELP. Take care and stay safe.


The French Redhead☆Jily AUWhere stories live. Discover now