《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #25》

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21st September 1976, Hogwarts

Katherine stood in an empty, abandoned classroom, leaning against a stone wall as she puffed out little clouds of smoke. Her hand was stuffed inside her jeans pocket as she tapped her foot gently against the dusty floor.

"Fancy seeing you here."

She looked up, a small smile forming on her face as James Potter hopped up on the desk beside her. He rested his long legs on another desk and adjusted his rectangular glasses, staring at her.

"I'm afraid, Mr. Potter, that I am not in the mood for a snog," Kate joked, smiling at him.

"Duh. Am in love with someone else," he told her, laughing. Kate extended a cigarrette towards him invintingly.

"Wanna try?"

James shook his head, indicating his usual 'I don't smoke' rule. Kate shrugged and lit it with a tap of her wand before bringing it to her lips, blowing out a cloud of dark smoke. It floated in the air for a few moments before fading into nothingness.

"What's up? Some problem?" James askee her carefully.

"Oh the usual shit at home," Kate assured him.

"Kate, you are a rotten liar." He rolled his eyes at her, making her smile.

"Fine." She stepped on the cigarrette with her foot and crossed her arms, staring at nothing. "I've got a drunkard father, if I can even call him that, who's rich as fuck but hasn't got a brain, or a heart. He doesn't let my sister have a fucking job and I'm fucking tired of all the shit."

James stayed quiet, until he said, "Move in with me."

Kate laughed bitterly, shaking her head. "Haven't you been listening to me?" She demanded. "He doesn't let us out of the house. The bastard likes to keep us until his control!"

Tears were spilling down her cheeks now. Thick, salty tears from her forget-me-not colored eyes which smeared her makeup. She was like a rose, beautiful, strong but one who has suffered pain, so the thorns.

"Shh, don't cry," James whispered, hugging her as she cried in to his dark blue tee shirt, making it wet. He didn't mind, so she continued.

"Miss Madison-Williams?"

Kate wiped her tears and stared at a very awkward and worried Professor McGonagall.

"If you could come with me..it's urgent." McGonagall shifted uneasily, her eyes flitting to the windows, Kate, James and back.

Kate looked at James and vice versa. She nodded and hurried outside.

"Your sister, Judith Madison-Williams, was caught in a fire at a shopping complex in London. She's currently in a muggle hospital, you'd better hurry."


22nd September 1976, Beauxbatons

"So, the Tentacula bites hard, you gotta be careful guys--OW! FUCKING BASTARD!"

Remus doubled over, laughing madly as Frank cursed the Venomous Tentacula and wiped the slime off his ankle.

"Not funny, Lupin," Lily chided, rolling her eyes.

"Honestly," Frank scowled, "fuck you."

This only made Remus laugh harder and he sat down on the grass in the greenhouse. Professor Ferny was off in the corner, staring accusingly at some giggling Pappilionlisses.

The day was a calm autumn one. The trees were full of red and golden leaves, and the maple ones were beautiful in the sunset. The early mornning dew, nowadays, looked like fresh tears on the leaves.

Mary MacDonald played with the bronze dolphin and leaf bracelet on her wrist, a gift from Remus, as she sat under a tree near the lake. Marlene was feeding Clarence little pieces of corn, Frank was examining a maple leaf, Remus had his head in her lap and Lily was sitting on a tree branch, munching chocolate.

"You're such a monkey," Remus told Lily, laughing. She shrugged cutely and wiped her fingers on her napkin.

"Ooh, come here Clare," Marlene cooed as she fed Clarence, who lovingly nuzzled like hand, making her giggle.

"She's so pretty," Lily smiled as Clarence craned her neck to look at the sky. The swan bowed her head, as if loving the praise.

Oh well, who doesn't love praise? Jerks like me do.


23rd September 1976, London

Fine. She was fine. Just some smoke inhalation.

Kate calmed herself as she squeezed Judith's, thankfully, warm hands. She was sleeping, thanks to the drugs. Kate nodded at the nurse and left the room. She walked towards the exit of the hospital and saw the car sent by her dad waiting outside.

The bastard didn't even come to see Judith.

Kate entered the car and scowled at the driver, who bowed his head in shame and started to drive. The nights in London could not be called nights. The buildings were still busy, lights still on, cars still moving.

Her house was a mansion, sure, but it was prison for her. Kate opened the door and saw her 'Dad' lying on the couch, a bottle of red wine dangling from his hand and half-conscious.

"Who's that?" He slurred as Kate' shoes clicked against the marble floor. Ignoring him, she hung her cloak on a chair and went inside the kitchen.

She came back with a glass of water and some hangover pills. Angrily, she stuffed them in Daniel Williams's hands. He stared at her, wide-eyed. When Kate didn't speak, it meant thar she was angry. Very angry.

"And you called Mamma a drunkard," she sneered at him, her hair her usual color of midnight blue. Her eyes were hazel blue, so much like her mother.

"Sarah is your past, Kate," Daniel insisted. "I'm your present. You're living because of me."

"And I'd rather die!" Kate screamed at him. A glass vase shattered. Both ignored it.

"Do we mean anything to you?" She demanded furiously. Her shaking hands reached for the pack of ciggarretts inside her jeans pocket.

"Sarah hated smoking," Daniel whispered.

"And she hated drinking!" Kate snapped back as she lit her ciggarrette.

Daniel stared at her guiltily. The small, afraid girl who used to clutch at Judith's arm was gone, leaving behind a bitter, angry yet beautiful girl, so much like Sarah.

"Fuck you," Kate said as she ran out of the house, crushing her ciggarrette under her foot. She pushed the large gates open and ran out into the chilly air. She felt lights on herself before something large hit her hard and the world went black.


A/N: Mhm guys,  I loved this chapter so much honestly. The angst, the friendships, the sadness..take care and stay safe.


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