《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #20》

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24th August 1976

Faces were grim, smiles were sad and bags were being packed. That was the enviorment of Potter Manor and Black's Lair. James Potter sadly cut a cross on the calendar hanging on the wall in his room.

Failed, he scrawled in his beautiful, cursive handwriting.


James picked up the mirror on his night stand and took in the sight of his best mate. Sirius looked troubled and sad. He was fiddling with a small card in his hand.

"Salut, Paddy," James smiled back. "What's up?"

"I--" Sirius took a deep breath--"love Marlene."

"You are officially the last person to know that." James threw his head back and laughed loudly.

"We shagged."

"Really? Oh, cool. WAIT, WHAT?" James demanded as he gaped at the mirror, his handsome features twisted in horror and disbelief.

Sirius cringed. "We did, last night," he said quitely.

"Dam, Black," James swore. "How the fuck will you ask her out now?"

"I won't," Sirius said miserably. "She hates me now."

"You know what?"


"I'm not surprised."

Sirius scowled. "Some friend you are, Prongs," he said sarcastically.

James propped the mirror against his books and turned to take his clothes out of his wardrobe. Over his shoulder, he said: "Sarcasm won't help you much in this matter mate. You guys need to talk."

"Oh yes," Sirius said sarcastically, "I'll go and say: "Hey Marlene, remember the shag we had yesterday night? Yes, that one! So, going out with me?"

"I said." James narrowed his eyes at one of his t-shirts. "Sarcasm won't help you much in this matter."

"Alright," Sirius sighed unhappily. "Have to pack. See you."

"See you." James placed a picture of Lily inside his album.

Smitten, everyone's smitten here. Left and right. And I, the author, am forced to rewrite this tale. Trust me, being the teller of forgotten tales of old ain't easy work.


25th August 1976, The flight to London

Sirius watched sadly as Marlene disappeared from view.

It's your fault, he thought bitterly. You had to go and shag her, eh? Bloody bastard.

"Hey." Dorcas nudged him. "It's okay. Send her a private letter, alright? Come along, Pads."

Sirius gave her a small smile as the flight started to take off, leaving Paris beneath them. He watched as they ascended over the clouds, into the clear blue sky. 

Sirius sighed unhappily. He hated himself right now.

On the other hand, Isadora Donnell was finally able to accept that she, indeed, was a pansexual and she liked Katherine Madison-Williams.

The only problem? How the hell was she supposed to tell her that? Moreover, did Katherine like her?

She was going to make a bloody fool of herself.

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