《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #37》

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27th November 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

Trepadition was spreading through Isadora. What if Kate had moved on from her? It seemed that she genuinely liked Skylar Mason. There was no way now Isadora could tell Kate what if felt for her. Isadora buried her face in her hands as she sat in History of Magic, while Binns droned on and on with soporific lecture.

Why did Skylar come along and erase Kate's attraction towards me? Isadora thought sadly. Until two or three months ago, Katherine Ivanna Madison-Williams had been hers. Isadora's. But Skylar Mason just waltzed her way in their lives and took Kate away. Isadora knew that she was being selfish, but who could ever blame her? Love has that effect on people. Not that Isadora loved Kate. It was mere strong attraction but you get the point, don't you?

"Miss Dodona," Binns drawled suddenly, looking at Isadora. "When did the Banshee Rebellion start?"

"Circa fifteen twenty-two," answered Isadora, glancing down at her book quickly.

"Correct, pay more attention," Binns grunted. He resumed this flat, dull lecture. Alice slipped Isadora a note which read:

What are you thinking about?
--A. S. P.

Nothing. Binns's boring as ever.
--I. E. D.

No surprises here girl..
--K. I. M. W.

--A. S. P.

"Detention Miss Mackenzie-Wilson, Miss Prescott and Miss Dodona," snapped Binns suddenly.

"Oh joy," muttered Alice.

"I hate it when he calls me Mackenzie-Wilson," grumbled Kate.

"Think about Dodona," said Isadora darkly.


"No need to rub it."

Kate flashed Isadora a dangerously charming grin, which had the latter's face as red as sunsets, or Lily Evans's hair. Whatever floats your boat.

Oh well..this detention was going to be fun, maybe. Always remember that even maybe has a negative form, which is maybe not.


28th November 1976, Beauxbatons, France

"I miss Alice," Frank told Remus with a glum look.

"Really? I could never have guessed!" Remus gasped sarcastically. "Why don't you send her a private letter or something? I mean, with loads of sapphirine messages and tulips, her favourite flowers?"

"I tried that." Frank shifted uneasily.

"Oh?" Remus raised his eyebrows, clearing waiting for a nice long story. His hand inched towards the box of chocolates on his nightstand.

"So..er..by the time the tulips reached her, they, you know.." Frank trailed off, his face a brilliant shade of bright red. Remus's mouth twitched. "Stop laughing, Remus! It was bloody embarrasing when Sirius sent me a private letter, scolding me about how girls do not like dried flowers." He reached in his drawer and handed Remus a letter.


Girls do NOT like dried flowers. ESPECIALLY Alice. She HATES them. According to her, flowers should bloom and not PERISH. This message was so fucking cheesy, I'm still laughing my ass off. "You have taken my heart with you" what the fuck dude? Even Alice was giggling at that! I'll say one thing: she ain't the cheesy type. Sure, she's an incorrigble romantic (blame Prongs for that) but CHEESY isn't her thing. She likes soft, deep and honest stuff. Anyway, I DO ship Alank (Ha! Everyone says it's FRALICE but I like Alank, thank you very much!) And I hope you two have a merry life together! Make sure to name your first born after me! Take care and stay safe.

Sirius The Amazing and Most Handsome Black!

P. S. How is Marlene?...

"Oh, how is Marlene?" A grin began to form on Remus's face.

"Looks like someone has a crush," smirked Frank.


29th November 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

"Students, today we'll be practicing human parts transfiguration," announced Professor Minerva McGonagall. "As you all know, Metamorphmagi can tramsfigure parts of their bodies on their will, like Miss Madison-Williams here. The rest of us need to know spells to morph our bodies into different styles. "

"You'll be surprised to know how much impact changing one part of your body can have not altering your appearence--" Sirius Black snorted loudly. McGonagall drew in a large breath, clearly not wanting to clarify this but was ready to do so all the same. "Kindly turn to page number two hundred and five to understand why Mr. Black thinks that it is not a good idea."

Emmeline looked down at her book and instantly winced. A poor wizard had tried to charm his jaw to be stronger and sharper, he had to surprise his wife you see. But, instead, his jaw had become so tight that all his teeth broke inside his mouth and travelled to his stomach and..lower..Emmeline didn't read further.

"Thank Merlin, I've a naturally sharp and strong jaw," muttered James, who sat behind her with Sirius. Dorcas chuckled quitely. The class was hilarious. Sirius transfigured his hands so they were like the feet of ducks and James made his nose to resemble a camel's nose. It was disgusting in a way though. Even no-nonsense nerd Silvanna Gudgeon didn't shriek when Kate turned her feet into zebra legs.

"Out!" shrieked McGonagall as the howling and wheezing class made their way out of the classroom. Secretly, she was trying to stifle a laugh herself!


30th November 1976, Beauxbatons, France

"Come on, Lils! Just one play!" pleaded Mary in French.

"No!" said Lily. "I'm a camerawomam and playwriter, not an actor!"

The team had to perform a play on the theme Greek Mythology for a contest hosted by the Beauxbatons activities department. The contest would take place before the Christmas holidays and the house which would be the winner would be awarded two hundred points, a special crest and the name of team engraved on the bark of the Nature, a special tree on the top of the highest hill around Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. For your information, having your name on the tree was a huge honour.

"C'mon," said Lydia Rowle. "We all know that you could pull off that Artemis look wonderfully. And hey, Xavier agreed for the Orion role, right? And Remus's Apollo!"

"I-er..," Lily stammered. Mary was giving her a pleading look and well, sating no to her friend was something Lily was not good at. "Fine!" She was defeated.

"Hurray!" cheered the rest of the team.

A/N: You'll have to agree that Orion x Artemis is one of the WORST pairings EVER. Artemis, the badass feminist and that love struck woman controlling bastard Orion? Nevah! Anddddd, see one of the team members of the play is NOT GOOD FOR JILY.  Take care and stay safe.


P. S. We are coming closer to the end, sadly.

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