《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #24》

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A/N: Tiny time skip.

15th September 1976, Hogwarts

The night was cold and the wind bitter. The sky was dark and moon-less. Isadora Donnell sat on the astronomy tower, knees pulled up to her chest as she gazed at the stars. Her fingers smoothed the fur of her cat, Lynn, who was sleeping in her arms.

A moment later, she heard footsteps. The door to the tower opened and Isadora saw Emmeline's light blonde hair peek through before she entered, frowning.

"Iz?" Emmeline said gently, standing beside Isadora.

"How did you find me?" Isadora asked her, eyebrows raised.

"A Marauder never tells." Emmeline flashed her a mysterious grin. She sat down beside the other girl and streched her legs, removing her shoes.

"So, why are you here, freezing your arse off?" She asked.

Isadora cracked a smile. "Thinking," she replied.

"Thinking whether you like Kate or Prongs."

Blinking in confusion and horror, Isadora looked at her. But Emmeline's eyes were fixed on the silent black lake.

"As a lesbian," Emmeline started, "it's not that hard to catch a bisexual, you know?"

"Well, I am thinking about that," Isadora told her carefully.

"So, what did you decide? Kate or Prongs?" Emmeline asked, her fingers expertedly working on a piece of parchment, folding it and tearing it, making an origami out of it.

"I don't know," Isadora said miserably. "On one hand there's James, my childhood friend who loves someone else. Then there's Kate. Lovely, beautiful, kind, intellegent Kate, who doesn't have feelings for me. What can I do?"

"I can tell you something," Emmeline said slowly. "Just listen to me, alright? Love and lust are two different things. Lust is the desire for something and love is the adoration for something. What you had with James was lust. You and him were childhood friends and you, sort of, made it a mission to get him, ignoring what you heart said and what he wanted. What you have with Kate is something real. That strong pull of emotion, it's real, it's something."

"So who will I choose?" Isadora wondered.

"Choose?" Emmeline laughed. "Choose? What will you choose? Love isn't something to choose, it's about acceptance. And as for who you'll accept, it's one for which you are completely selfless."

And she stood up, dropped the paper in Isadora's lap and left.

Selfless, Isadora thought as she picked up the origami heart.

Katherine Ivanna Madison-Williams.


16th September 1976, Beauxbatons

"Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if we would have been in London."

Remus frowned as he looked at his unusually thoughtful girlfriend.

"Pardon?" He said, puzzled. She looked at him steadily.

"What would have happened if we were in London? Would our lives be the same? Would you and I happen?" She wondered.

"Mare," Remus sighed, "Beauxbatons is our home, our identity, our everything. And maybe things would have been better at London, but we have to accept what we are."

"I just wish to see Hogwarts once," Mary told him sadly. "They say it's the most beautiful, most old and best school for magic out there."

"And how can we forget Albus Dumbledore in there?" Remus cracked a smile.

Things would have been different, you know? However much you study at any other school of magic, Hogwarts houses the best students, the strongest ancient magic and best professors.

But, acceptance is the key to moving on. We will move on, sure, but everyone who belongs to Hogwarts will go to Hogwarts, the magic there will attract them.

Whether it be in seven months or seven years. It'll happen.


17th September 1976, Hogwarts

"Is there any butter left?" Sirius demanded sleepily at the Gryffindor table.

"Your sleeve's in it," Dorcas told him.

"Oh, right." Sirius buttered his toast and stuffed it into his mouth. "Where's the honey, by the way?"

"Your other sleeve's in it," James snickered.

"Oh man, so it is." Sirius scooped up some honey with his finger and licked it clean, making Emmeline wrinkle her nose in disgust.

"You look awful," Kate told him.

"Hm, like a ghost?" Sirius asked her and she laughed.

"Ghost? Oh dear, no. Who ever saw a ghost who ate toast, butter and and honey with such an healthy appetite? You basically look like shit."

"Why don't you take a look at your bird's nest?" Sirius snapped back.

"Bird's--?" Kate's hands flew to the jumble of dark brown curls atop her head.

"Bitch," she said, scowling.

"Bastard," Sirius tossed back.

"James," Dorcas said slowly, "what did you make them do that practice yesterday?"

"Oh nothing." James shrugged casually. "Just fifteen rounds around the pitch on their feet and a soaking wet practice in the rain for three hours. Nothing much."


18th September 1976, Beauxbatons

"I can't believe you have a date with Okerley. Out of all the bastards in here, you chose Okerley?" Frank said, staring at Marlene, who pouted with her dark red lips.

"He's not that bad," she told him.

"He's not Sirius," Mary muttered quitely.

"Said something, Mare?" Marlene turned to her. Mary shook her head quickly and stuffed some of Remus's precious chocolate in her mouth, making him whine like the little kid he is.

"Gross, learn some manners," Lily told her as she threw the wrapper in the bin.

"Fuck ettiquette," Mary said, smirking.

"Some things never change," Marlene said, chuckling.

"Like your obsession with vampire lips?" Frank asked her, rolling his eyes.

"It's called fashion. You wouldn't know." Marlene did a dramatic hair-flip.

"I've got a far better sense of fashion," Frank defended himself.

"Bruh, I remember Augusta telling me that a lady actually said 'Yes, ma'am' to you," Marlene sniggered. Frank's face burned red and he hid his face behind his green herbology book, muttering something along the lines of 'need to see an eye-specialist'.

"Okay then, I'll be going people. See you later." Marlene waved her hand at them before slipping out of the Bellefeuille common room, leaving jer friends to shake their heads at her stupidity.

A/N: I know I updated twice a day cuz I wanted your comments because I wanted to laugh, happy? Take care and stay safe.


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