《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #32》

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29th October 1976, Hogwarts

James Potter may be a beam of sunlight, seeking attention without wanting it, positive attitude, but there was no denying that it was dusk that captured his attention. He loved watching the blue sky dissolve with red, orange, pale pink and dark blue. He loved to see the sun dip behind the mountains which formed the circumference of Hogsmead, but, most of all, he loved the stars.

They were like differently coloured small pearls in a dark blue sea. The moonlight which shone on the landscape gave a silent, but calm look, which helped me to think. Like, really think. To James, the chaotic day could not help him to ponder on matters. When night came, the world slept and silence settled, he would be found at his window, head leaning against the glass and his brows furrowed, just like they did when he was thinking something.

"You bastard, go to sleep!" Sirius's groggy voice scolded him.

"Sleep, Paddy," James told him. Sirius crashed into bed and started to snore like the ass he was.

James's hand traced the words he had just written in his diary:

Does she love me back?

"Midnight thoughts," he muttered, shaking his head.


30th October 1976, Beauxbatons

"It's nearly Hallowe'en!" Mary jumped up and down on Marlene's bed, squealing excitedly.

"Nearly being the key word," said Marlene with a scowl. She snatched her blanket from under Mary's feet, gave her a small kick and dived under her covers.

"Oomph!" Mary scowled as she stood up from the ground, where she had landed on her butt, thanks to Marlene's kick.

Lily cracked an eye open and took a look at them, before blushing as she remembered her dream. She faced her curtains and tried to make sense of it. Maybe she would have to talk about this to Marlene later...

"Fuck, that really happened? OMG LILY WANNA KISSSSS JAMIE-POO!" This was exactly what Lily thought Marlene would say.

No, won't tell her, thought Lily. 


"You are behaving oddly," Marlene commented with her sapphire blue eyes trained on Lily, who was biting her lip and looking like she was in some dream.

"Am I? I don't think so," said Lily with an innocent expression on her face.

"You are a shitty liar," said Marlene bluntly.

"A dream," was Lily's laconic answer.

"Nightmare?" Marlene asked, softening.

Lily fidgeted, looking awkward. She glanced around to see that no one was eavesdropping--which struck Marlene as odd--and then let out a heavy sigh.

"I had a dream about James," said Lily.

"So?" Marlene said, confused. Then, she understood. "Oh."

"That's right, oh," Lily said, pinkness emerging on her ivory cheeks.

"Oh shit," giggled Marlene, amusement mixed with shock on her face. "This must be informed to Mary. Oh my freaking Gods, AHAHAHAHA!" Her laugh was so contagious, even Lily had to smile a bit.

The French Redhead☆Jily AUWhere stories live. Discover now