《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #04》

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15th July 1976, Beauxbatons

Dear Bree,

Hope you are good, I miss you loads...can we meet today? After dinner? Pleaseeee? We'll talk for long then. Tell Marls hello from me. Love you loads. Take care.


Brielle grinned brightly as she read the letter. Miachel McKinnon was a graduated Beauxbatons student and Brielle's boyfriend. Incidentally, Narcissa was dating Marcus McKinnon, Miachel's brother.

She scribbled a note:

Dear Mike,

Of course we can meet! See you you at eight tonight. Love you.


She sent the note with a school owl and started packing for her journey back home.


Remus Lupin and Frank Longbottom were found on The Luna Tower, chatting among themselves.

"I swear, Hamford's trying to kill us!" Frank was speaking when a voice said in a nasty way:

"Oh well, look! A half blood and a blood traitor! How lovely!"

Remus and Frank wheeled around, they whipped out their wands and glared at the boys standing before them.

Xavier Nott and Vincent Lestrange sneered at them. Both belonged to Ombrelune.

"Nott, Lestrange," Frank said with disgust. The said boys sneered even more harshly.

"Oh, look at that! Lord Longbottom knows our names! Holy Circe!" Lestrange gasped in mock-surprise.

"Fuck off, Lestrange," Remus snarled dangerously. Red sparks erupted from his wand.

"Oh no!" Nott said in mock-horror. "We are so scared! Have mercy, Master Lupin! You think I'd be scared of your little tricks? Tell me, Longbottom, is you bottom really that long--"


Nott fell down, rigid. Lestrange, Remus and Frank saw Mary MacDonald standing there, eyes wild and fury in her face.

"Ten points from Ombrelune and Bellefuille!" She barked. "Now, Lestrange, you'll save your sorry arse before I send a spell your way! To your dormitory, NOW!"

Lestrange hurried off, dragging Nott behind him. Mary glared at their retreating backs and then wheeled on Remus and Frank.

"Why do you guys always pick up a fight with them?" She demanded.

"It wasn't us!" Frank said, offended. "It was those idiots, commenting about my last name and my-my butt." His face turned an adorable pink color, much like the palace during sunset.

Fortunately, this made Mary laugh. Remus noticed the way the sunset beams bounced over her features, delicate and beautiful. Her head was thrown back, sending light brown curls dancing and her beautiful dusty green eyes were alight with happiness.

Holy Circe, he was smitten.

"Ah, speaking biological names, are we? Good, good. Glad to see a pure-blood who understands muggle customs. Anyway, let's get to dinner, a letter has arrived," she said.

When they arrived at the Bellefeuille table, they saw Lily reading a letter and Marlene peeking over her shoulder to read it, too.

"Hey, what's in the letter?" Remus asked curiously as they took their seats. Lily looked up and handed him the letter. Frank propped his chin on the taller boy's shoulder and started reading as well.

Dear Frank, Remus, Mary, Lily and Marlene,

So, we'll be in France on the 23rd of July at three in the afternoon. Mrs Potter just sent us the news. We hope you are doing good. And stuff here is normal, just like boarding schools, HAHAHA.

Anyway, take care and please be safe.

Lots of love,
Alice, Emmeline, Dorcas, James and Sirius

"You know what?" Frank said after a while.

"Know what?" Lily asked.

"I always felt like Emmy liked Dorks. I mean, romantically. She's lesbian, right? They'd look good," Frank said thoughtfully.

"Ooh," Marlene laughed. "Playing matchmakers, are we, Frankie-poo?"

"Don't call me that!" Frank said, his face red.

"Since when has Marlene McKinnon obeyed orders?" Mary said, her eyebrows raised.

"Never, and she won't obey orders, ever," Marlene said solemnly.


15th July 1976, Hogwarts

Alice Fortescue was rather busy on this fine morning.

She could be found with her best friends, The Marauders, in the library, poring over books.

And not educational ones, oh no. Romance novels.

The reason, you ask? The reason is that Alice Jane Fortescue was in love.

With whom? Frank Leo Longbottom, a French Muggle.

"I still don't understand why you have to make it all pink and romantic," Sirius grumbled.

"Because," Emmeline rolled her eyes, "pink is the color of love!"

"Not necessary," James pointed out as he threw a book titled Forbidden Love towards Alice.

"Of course," Dorcas drawled, "for dear ol' Prongsie, the color of love is emerald green."

James blushed and looked away, grinning ever so slightly.

"Lovely girl," Alice nodded solemnly, "but we have to focus on--what was that? Fralice! Yes, we have to work on Fralice."

"Agreed," The Marauders said in unison.

"Look, I have got an idea," Sirius sighed after some ten minutes.

"Do share your knowledge, oh wise one!" Alice cried dramatically.

"Okay, hear me out," Sirius started. "We'll try to get you two alone on a high building in Paris, at night. Then, under the stars, you confess your undying love for him. Snog his brains out and if he refuses for a date, curse him. Don't stare at me like that, I know about your Bat-Bogey Hex. I'll sneak a few love potions for you, use them."

His friends gawked at him, eyed wide in disbelief and horror. It was Dorcas who found her voice first. She said: "Cut the love potion and curse part, the plan sounds perfect. He likes you too, or so we think."

"You guys are seriously considering my plan?" Sirius said, shocked.

"It sounds--er--nice," Emmeline said.

"It sure does," James snorted. Sirius narrowed his eyes at the offending sound. Before he could retort, Alice had him in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh Merlin, Sirius!" She beamed. "You are an angel! A life-saver! So very amazing!"

"Away, woman!" Sirius gasped. "Can't breathe! Let me live so I can show you my amazingness!"

"That isn't a word, Paddy," Emmeline rolled her eyes.

"Ah Foxilla," James smiled, "our personal moving and talking awesome dictionary."

A/N: Alice is introduced! Do you like her? Well I certainly hope so. And now that my mom has arrived and thinks that I'm studying, I'll take my leave. Take care and stay safe!


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