《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #06》

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A/N: Loads of new characters in here...and one girl they may or may not be an ENEMY of Lily...*evil laugh* I sound like one of those villains from South Indian movies, help--

20th July 1976, Beauxbatons

The valley was behind them, the mountains on either sides and the wind whistled as they made their way through Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. The train was racing between dark oak woods and the students inside laughed and talked as they got ready to visit their homes.

In a compartment, The Dreamers, or Frank Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon or Mary MacDonald, were talking and enjoying themselves.

Remus had his arm around Mary's shoulder, who had Marlene's head in her lap. Lily was sitting in front of them with Frank.

"Oh Circe, isn't this place beautiful," Lily sighed happily as she looked outside at the window at the proud and straight trees, high mountains and clear blue sky.

"It is," Frank nodded in agreement.

"I am so excited to meet them again," Marlene grinned. The 'them' referred to their British friends.

At that moment, the door opened and a girl, who highly resembled Mary, entered. Olivia MacDonald smiled at them.

"Can I sit here? Adele is with her brother," she said. Lily extended her hand and laughed.

"Of course you can sit here, Liv!" She said. Olivia clutched her hand and sat beside her. She narrowed her eyes at Marlene.

"Are you trying to take my place in Marie's heart?" She said dramatically. Marlene snorted. She sat in a straight position and rolled her eyes.

"I would love that, Oli," she said. "But I've got two elder brothers who love me dearly. I admit, Mary has got better and softer hands for a head massage, but I'm used to boys. No offence."

Everyone laughed, including Olivia. The journey was cheerful and bright for them but now, let's see The Marauders.

20th of July 1976, Hogwarts

The odd thing about The 1971 batch was that there were eight girls sorted into Gryffindor. I believe we have met Shanaya and Meera Patil, Grace Dunbar, Alice Prewett, Dorcas Meadowes and Emmeline Vance. But now, we shall meet the remaining two.

In the compartment owned by Marauders & co., Isadora Donnell and Katherine Madison-Williams can be seen.

Alice Prewett was waving her hands enthusiastically and explaining about how she was planning to ask Frank Longbottom out and the others smiled at her excitement.

Katherine, or Kate as she prefers, stopped her mid sentence.

"Please tell me how did Sirius Fucking Black come up with such a brilliant plan?" Kate said, awed. Sirius looked offended and the others laughed.

"What do you mean Madison-Williams? I always come up with brilliant plans!" He said.

"Like sprinkling itching powder in Peter's pants?" Isadora Donnell raised her eyebrows. Peter Pettigrew turned beet red and avoided looking at them, which was hard as he was only 5'2, the smallest in their group.

Sirius smirked and said: "You'll have to agree, Donnell, that the plan went well. That's the thing that matters, you know?"

Isadora rolled her eyes and leaned her head against Kate's shoulder. She sneaked a glance at James, no one noticed as they were too busy talking.

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